done a bit of searching there on the site few heads have popped up saying they have genuines but it jus stayes "ON" like mine oh well lol
im opening it the same way i opened file for SV3 but its still not downloading. saying file. must be doing summit wrong. should i be opening the app file? or bin archive. then what next?..soryy about this, thought i was getting to know these boxes
There is a real possibility these boxes may not work for that much longer so you'd be taking a gamble buying another box. On the otherhand if it lasts for 3 months and you'd have paid for the services anyway then why not. I have a SV1 and although hopeful do not expect it to work again.
i have original sv1 is there a fix yet as can someone tell me where it is as usual place isnt saying its there (emos) help please x
Hi, need a bit of advice. Uploaded latest file 29/11/08 from library and now box (sv2) is just sitting at 0. Tried to uploade older bin file back on box but no can do, just sits at 0. Any comments/advice.
Presume you are all sorted now as regards the fix for the box, the problem was that you where using earlier firmware, without the LOGO BIN file, it has now been put up in Eamo's by scOuser (bless him he's worn out)) with a guide (Service Pack) so if you downloaded it earlier today/YESTERDAY, suggest you delete and download again and read the info: EDIT: God I should have said earlier yesterday, look at the damn time again!!!
Ha ha Malci. Same here - time slips by so quickly. I've been on here until 2am most nights recently......
Not to worry LOL, it was getting to 3.30 last, as I had a PC crash and then a backlog!! but hey there are dafter people in the world, and this is what a community is all about anyway, sharing.
how come your sv1 is working but everyone elses is not ? is there new firmware for sv1 avalible if so where
There is not, there is NO new firmware for Starview 1, but there is for Starview 2, the post puzzled me too, but thought I would not bother about it, but drawn in again, all new fix's wil be announced at this thread/page. Keep an eye on there and you will not miss anything >>>>>>>>>>>> And check out Eamo's FTA Library periodicaly it will all end up in there in the relevant folders, at the bottom of post.
No need to be sorry, I hope the update does come out soon, for everyones sake, Cheers it's nice to have a civilised reply, just trying to keep you informed.
hi I was wondering if you could help . I know I have a clone starview box , But I`m not sure which starview I have , When I go o system information it reads API VER 2.57E-e bOOT VER 7.0 CAN ANY1 TELL ME IF THIS IS A STARVIEW 1 OR 2 PLEASE . tHANKS
Hi my mates all have sv1 and sv1 clones was hopping the sunrise would shine on them. any news on new firmware. many thanx