Thanks for that info, seems like these Star Views are a lot less choosy about wrong firmware installation than some Satellite boxes i've had in the past. jbvid
Hi sc0user, any idea why sometimes the play back on recorded items is missing the audio? This happens on living tv when we record jerry springer. Thanks.
Mine is apparently supposed to be the latest - July 07 version. Or do you need more info? Am currently at work though.
No thats the latest one. Although they are worked on improvements to this as many people have a problem with recording not all though I may add. Have you been recording from the EPG or just manual recording?
From the epg and manual. Before this thread, it has been done via epg but once we noticed the time difference, we swtiched to manual. How come you are so knowledgeable in this area....Are you in the inner circle?
LOL no I just play around with these boxes a bit thats all If its the one channel you are having problem with it could be an audio pid problem. Take a note of the frequency this channel is on then delete it. Do a manual scan using your provider setting and the frequency noted it will bring it back at the end of your channel list. Try recording it then and see if you notice any difference.
Thanks. How i wish i could add you to my msn. You know those PPV channel on sky - the one you call and they add it on for you on the day. Is it possbile to be view it via the PVR?
Me and MSN dont get on If you are taking about VOD from Sly no you cannot get them as the box requires a talkback function for that which it does not have for obvious reasons.
Hi dude (scouser)! It is me again. Ok am on TW but i do need to ask you several question. I need to do a manual scan but i dont know where i have to check the frequncy of the bad channel before i scan it manually. I currently have ITV down, cant seem to find channel 5 etc. Once again, where do i check the frequency or could you please give me a step by step guide please. Please bear with me, you are my angel for now. Lol.
Apologies got sidetracked. All you have to do is go to the problem channel and press the info button twice this will show you the frequency you need, note this. Delete the offending channels and do a manual scan at the noted frequency they will appear back at the end of you channel list.
Hey thanks man. I just deleted all the channel and just rescanned. All is ok BUT channel five is missing.....what frequency is it on please?
Thanks man, you are a star. Im currently at work but gonna give it another go again. Several channels missing.
Seems to be a bit of work going on do an autoscan as they have added some channls on VM: diva tv jjb sports tv true movies movies 24+1 pop tv and tiny pop tv
Word of mouth Seems these channels have 0 PIDS on them for the moment though and you may not be able to view them unti VM set them up, although they may show up in your EPG.
Oh i see. Im guessing the PID is picture identification?. Also is it safe to assume that the pvr dont autodetec new channels then?