strange problem with xp after service pack 2 install ?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by dlc2000, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. spursmad

    spursmad Guest

    since installing xp sp2 i've had no end of trouble,

    none of my dvd back up programmes work,

    wmp keeps crashing, i can't open any of my avi or xvid files,

    and my cucusoft convertor keeps crashing, plus my system is well slow, every now and again it just freezes up like i'm running too many programmes or something?

    surely this can't be right !
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    ~~ Toiletman ~~

    Sp2 Pack modifies the TCPIP.sys file and limits the number of connections per second your PC can receive to 10 -- This feature is to slow down worms which spread by opening connections to random addresses at a really fast rate. This will give anti-virus companies more time to create a fix for the worm before it becomes an epidemic, allowing them to stop the spreading at 10,000 infected computers rather than 500,000.

    When using some P2P programs you may receive the :-
    ""EventID 4226
    TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts"" Warning.

    [bold] The average P2P user will not be affected by that[/bold] However should you be concerned , there is a patch available which will permit a 50 connections per seconds . It is available at:-

    Patch Name is:

    Note:- This patch or any other patch of this kind does very little to a normal user, unless that user is a hardcore P2P user.

    Regards !

  3. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Since I installed XP SP2 I've had no end of trouble.
    None of my DVD back up programmes work, WMP keeps crashing, I can't open any of my AVI or DivX files,
    and my DVD-backup programmes keep crashing, plus my system is, well, slow.
    Every now and again it just freezes up like I'm running too many programmes or something?
    Surely this can't be right!
    Huh? I'm gettin' the wicked deja vu about now...
    BTW if you go to Task Manager you will find 100% CPU usage for explorer.exe - WTF is that?
    Requires reboot, not good ;-[~
  4. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    [bold]To those that are having problems after installing SP2

    Microsoft provides 4 different ways to remove the SP2 pack at this URL :-;en-us;875350&Product=winxp[/bold]

    As for our experience with that service pack ; SP2 was installed on quite a few different computers in an industrial/commercial environment and after over 6 weeks of daily use by different operators , none so far had any problems whatsoever.

    Edited for a typo
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper ![/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2004
  5. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya guys,

    Have you all been watching the other threads concerning SP2:


    Something is very suspicious.

    I may not have any fancy pieces of paper like an MCSE, but years of experience, investigating and profiling security compromised systems as a job sets alarm bells ringing when I see that kind of thing.

    Imagine this scenario:

    Micro$haft has, under the guise and cover of "improving" security, integrated into the SP2 install any number of hidden routines - be they Palladium-style restrictions, DRM, monitoring (think PATRIOT ACT for those in the States) or any of the myriad other "nasties" that "Big Brother" would LOVE to have on our machines.....

    This is NOT impossible - just because Windows itself does not report a codeblock as running it does not mean that it is not running (think Police Corruption being investigated by the Police Dept concerned and reported by same - this happens).

    Now, imagine there are thousands of complaints about machines "misbehaving" after SP2 installation.

    So, Micro$haft releases guidance on how to remove the SP2 install, but it only removes the VISIBLE bits, leaving the "nasties" behind.

    Now I know that some machines can perform a System Restore - but lots of them have the problem that Sytem Restore is broken after SP2!!


    Some of those systems will not even boot after SP2, is that because the "nasties" have been written to detect a situation whereby to avoid being uncovered, the machine is trashed instead?

    Some of those systems are showing increased resource usage - why?

    Are you suspicious yet?

    Well there is a lot more to be uncovered yet....

    Just because it may sound like a conspiracy theory does not make it false...

    The saying "Don't attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity" could be used as cover..

    Maybe I am too suspicious, and there is nothing whatsoever wrong with SP2, and it is everyone elses machines that are faulty...

    What is the probability of that????

    Good Luck..
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Thanks for confirming that I didn't trust MS enough to install SP2 :)
  7. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    I tell ya, I'm with the doc on this one...
    What the hell, I needed a clean install anyway (many HDs; easy to move important stuff, & wipe)
    So XP (SP1a) again :)
    SP2 Security Centre is for the great masses, I see their PCs every day, I've got one one the bench right now:
    276 types of spyware
    4 viruses
    100s of megabytes in temp directories
    all kinds of different P2P apps
    XP firewall disabled (of course)
    BHOs up the wazoo (these are Browser Helper Objects)
    No XP security updates
    Etc ad infinitum
    People need to be held by the hand and have Safe Computing automated for them - SP2 does that.
    It's a kind of 'tough love' actually, Micro$haft has gotten real insistent with the new service pack, it's nasty!
    It doesn't trust you to do other than 'its' way, and if you know what you're doing it will hound you as if you don't.
    It breaks the things that WE do: audio/video backups, PC game backups, emulations, mods, old command-line favourites (like Azid), VCDs SVCDs DivX and Shrink, grey-market freeware and AVIs of questionable heritage... etc.
    I tell ya SP2 would lock up my whole rig, when I tried to get properties of some of my DivX AVI backups.
    Not all - just some.
    I finally figured out that it liked MP3 audio, but it choked on AC3 audio in the AVIs! I kid you not.
    So for buddy who says he's got 6 PCs with SP2 in his office and they're all 'just fine', well, good for you.
    Bet they don't do anything but Outlook and Word all day...
    So I guess add AC3Filter to the list of programs SP2 doesn't like.
    I'm interested to hear (yeah I know Jay, buddy) how Mick69 makes out, LoL. Mick?

    Keep 'em running good! PCs run the marathon, not a sprint...

    ABIT AN7 nForce2 Ultra 400
    XP2500+ Barton @ 3200+
    2 x 512MB PC3200[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  8. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    sorry to hear your pc is having a mental breakdown after installing xp2 ogs but i cant say ive noticed any difference in cpu usage, slow down of comp or anything like that, im still whiping out vcd/svcds from various avi formats with various audio formats including ac3 and yes ac3 filter is installed on my comp and works with no dramas, its the same ol' winxp with a new firewall and pop-up blocker to me ive had no troubles.

    how i make out??? what you want some ol' pointers from uncle micky on shoulds and should nots of snogging. well heres 1 tip, remember to breathe and avoid when u have a blocked up nose you'll end up passing out, come back tomorrow ogs and i'll tell you where babies come from.....LOL =P

    as you can see i have no idea what you were asking there m8 ;)
  9. xpnsve

    xpnsve Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    I hate service packs, they always screw up my computer.
  10. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    The damn DivX Pro 5.2 screwed me up!
    Well, you could still say SP2 screwed me up; the point is, they don't get along.
    Got the new Pro 5.2.1 today - one of the fixes is 'SP2 compatible'.
    The symptom they fixed was exactly what I had: 100% CPU usage (and no results) when trying to right-click on a DivX AVI, just to get properties.
    BTW - excellent info on Slipstreaming a WinXP SP2 bootable OS disk at THG, check it out:
  11. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Here's a good example of what you can expect when you install XP SP2 on a PC.

    The architecture of an operating system such as Windows XP is made of in excess of 25,000 small modules who all have a specific task to do. They are what you see in your folders with extensions such as .dll , ocx,.sys,.exe,.dat , and the likes.
    Freewares , Sharewares and the likes , some genuine large softwares , make uses of some of those modules by adding code to them to suit their particular needs.

    When a major update to the O/S is done , it's bound to create havoc , as the module is either replaced or re-written or re-registered by the update!

    You did right in getting Pro 5.2.1 ~~ it was corrected to take in account the changes doneby SP2.

    Regards !

  12. spursmad

    spursmad Guest

    i've had enough and un-installed sp2 from my pc, and all it's components,
    unistalled cucusoft burner and converter,
    deleted all my codecs,
    re-installed cucusoft burner and converter,
    downloaded new codecs,
    and wayhey,
    i'm up and running again,

    drchips and ogs, what you had to say on the conspiracy theory type thingy makes a lot of sense, wish i hadn't installed sp2 in the first place,
    i can now see why so many people dislike micr0shaft so much,
    but i am a newbie to the world of pc's so we live and learn eh,
    i've learnt a bog lesson here,
    don't try to fix what ain't broken
    and don't trust even the biggest corporations,
    thanks guys
  13. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Has nothing to do with Microsoft !! Look at the software you were getting problems with -- visit their site and you may find they have upgraded their program to follow up on the major update SP2. Nero , DivX Pro 5.2 , Zone Alarm and many others already have.

    Of course, it's your choice if you feel more at ease without SP2 installed.
    ~~smiles !!

    Edited for typos !
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper ![/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2004
  14. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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