1. Yes, but don't buy open box motherboards, they can be prone to going wrong. 2. Because one GTX280 is miles faster than one 8800GTS, so it's sufficiently fast to be better than even a 9800GX2. 3. Yes, because they're the same thing - that's all a 9800GX2 is.
here is another question. How much would the following PC be worth: Dell dimension 9200 (yuck) Core 2 duo 1.8 GHz Geforce 8800gt 512 4 GIG's RAM Sound blaster audio card firewire card 3 slots 8 usb slots And what if I include a 22` monitor and what if i don't? What do you think?
wait for the reviews to see if it wil be faster then the GX2 when at 1920 and above with 4AA and 16AF
I have 2 8800 gt's and a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131196R with this psu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139001 Do i need a special cord to sli the 8800 gt's?
The P5K-E does not support SLI, so you can't use both cards with it. Only nvidia chipset boards support SLI, and to be honest, they're pretty pants most of the time. If you're sticking with nvidia, keep using a single graphics card.
m8, im sorry to say, that board ONLY does crossfire, and eevn then at 16x and 4x, the PSU would be fine though, and yes you need a ribbon, which will come with an Nvidia mobo.