Tech "support" by Dell, Microsoft, etc.

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Bsnights, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Bsnights

    Bsnights Guest

    Cool. Way above me. Tried to stay somewhere in a budget. And actually if I understand you when you say "box', I had this put together as recommended for my Newbie needs. Maybe someday in the future I'll understand what I have and can move on to greater toys. For now I've decided to buy the "dummie" books and a couple of "Quick Steps" too. You still open for questions as I slog my way through what I should have done in the first place? Thanks I am going to reinstall the Ccleaner from hippo. But that thing has more choices than I need and apparantly I could do damage. So What are the basics and how often do I do this?
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    CCleaner is safe its not going to hurt your system . i run the program several times a week
  3. Bsnights

    Bsnights Guest

    Thank you aabbccdd I have gone over to the recommended other threads and printed the current info. I am very sure this will be greatly useful. However on the vien of "oh xxxxx", it now seems my Hell printer will no longer feed itself the paper. So while I still have a few bucks left in my account, perhaps I should change this out also. Any favorites?
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    the Epson are the way to go

    Cannon is good too
  5. Bsnights

    Bsnights Guest

    thanks aabbccdd I'll check them out.
  6. Bsnights

    Bsnights Guest

    Say folks, How do I add a program to my trusted sites for my windows firewall? I believe this is preventing me from receiving necessary updates. This is specifically directed for Spybot Search $ Destroy, but there are other sites which are regular programs that are not on the "welcome" side of the wall. I know the "Add a Program" window, however alot of my programs are not even listed there so the "easy" way is not available. Thanks again. Talk with you later.

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