Cool. Way above me. Tried to stay somewhere in a budget. And actually if I understand you when you say "box', I had this put together as recommended for my Newbie needs. Maybe someday in the future I'll understand what I have and can move on to greater toys. For now I've decided to buy the "dummie" books and a couple of "Quick Steps" too. You still open for questions as I slog my way through what I should have done in the first place? Thanks I am going to reinstall the Ccleaner from hippo. But that thing has more choices than I need and apparantly I could do damage. So What are the basics and how often do I do this?
Thank you aabbccdd I have gone over to the recommended other threads and printed the current info. I am very sure this will be greatly useful. However on the vien of "oh xxxxx", it now seems my Hell printer will no longer feed itself the paper. So while I still have a few bucks left in my account, perhaps I should change this out also. Any favorites?
Say folks, How do I add a program to my trusted sites for my windows firewall? I believe this is preventing me from receiving necessary updates. This is specifically directed for Spybot Search $ Destroy, but there are other sites which are regular programs that are not on the "welcome" side of the wall. I know the "Add a Program" window, however alot of my programs are not even listed there so the "easy" way is not available. Thanks again. Talk with you later.