No, it works with 1.0-1.6b. I've installed two of them, one of which was on a 1.6. All you would need is wire, solder, and possibly the solderless adapter for 1.6. You don't need the programmer, since it's easier to just do a network flash from the PC. Also, don't get that tool set. If don't have any torx drivers of your own, you can pick up a set at any hardware store for about $5.
Xecuter3..the 2.6 is limited on bios sizes and options. It's great if you want to dual boot linux, but if you want to boot various bios then the 3 is the way to go. Xenium are good to but have a few strange features that I'm not too sure about.
I only to run linux principal,the 2.6 is enough I think? hum,I find a Muppet-X.How do you think it?
Nasty cheapmod. You might as well do a free tsop flash as fit that obsolete horror. 2.6 for dual boot linux or the duox2 Useful linux-xbox stuff..follow the link from there.. Every xbox linux distro in one place..have fun now.. This posted from a 1.1 xbox running xebian installed on E:\ with an xecuter3, 128MB ram and a 300GB Seagate Barracuda.