fcuk_2006 The frequencies i have for BBC 1, BBC 2 are on 491.000 But i'm in London, so i'm not sure if these are any good to you. Otherwise go through our channels on your Box, make sure there is definitely no BBC etc and the others you said, and then do another auto scan, that's how i've got channels back before, or you will have to ask someone who is in your area for the frequencies.
If you`re n*l Dublin, thats what bbc is on. Try a manual scan from 291.000 & let it finish. If this doesnt work then a factory reset should do the job.
noelyf, you seem to know alot about the boxes, i just wondered do you know how much people would charge to flash "THE BOX" with the new firmware that comes out... Obviously i am hoping i can do it myself, just wondered roughly what people would charge for the update?
I cant really speak for other people Dean, I have never charged anyone for flashing a b0x myself, it depends on the person. All the help you need for flashing your b0x will be here mate, theres always someone on here to help you out if you have any problems
Yes its one im using in the bedroom but it is coming from an NTL box in the room, i also have "the box" in the sitting room and that is from the main NTL box and that is having the same problem too! both boxes are missing the same channels
Ah, no bother mate. I noticed a problem with bbc1 last week in that area with a couple of peoples boxes. I have it on 347.500
hey people will the new firmware for the box go straight into eamos library when it is out ? also is the box also known as a starview 2 ? finally my sister has a box every time she puts it on after 10 mins or so the box jumps 2 channel 1 or just sticks sometimes also turns itsef off the guy i got it from says its fecked beyond repair is this true . tryed deleting the firmware @ reinstaling it but still same problem .
good man!! if you go here the latest fix for the UK is there, bottom of first thread!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/722659
still no joy mate it is just saying updating, it goes to about 150% then starts again !!! any ideas ??