*some* of my training at the reactor is over today. i was actually doing stuff on my own! woot! and i have a friend making me a kilt. today = awesome.
and why in the world would you want a kilt? wait... nevermind, i dont want to know. all i ask is that you kindly dont wear it around me. lol
does it matter, justin? kilts are cool! ^.^ and no one worry, i'll be far from "commando." pansy: take a *lot* of math, amigo.
"commando" comes from a group of warriors the british stole the term from...i can't remember if it was the scotts or some africans. anyway, they didn't wear underwear, either. at least, that's the story i'm told.
PAN5Y, i studied architecture for 2 years but worked as a mechanical draftsman for almost 3yrs back in the early 80's.
Hey guys, nice to see u all. I haven't posted in forever. Help me choose a college, dont' worry I have plenty of time left. I live in Ohio so naturally OSU, yep with the Bucks. Also, I'm planning to major in engineering and I'm not really a fan of high costs. Safety: OSU Purdue Match/a little reach University of Michigan-Ann Arbor University of Illinois-Urbana Carnegie Mellon Way reach: Northwestern Help me o great aD gurus!
hey ddp!! wats happening. i dont have school today, so im not particularily busy. how many posts do u have now? 30,000 or 40,000. lol
Hey ddp im studying architecture…Sure it hard but u know I wanna be famous for something the hardest part is doing trigonometry and calculus but the drawing it the funnest part of the job….im designing two story houses for now..
its hard to tell when ill leave or be back. as of now im studying my butt off for the PSAT and SAT. that and attending dinner parties to no end.
nearing the end of my first semester. school is hard and i hate calc II. well, at this point, i hate all my classes, but i'm surviving. christmas is looking great. heading to PA ^.~