You poor man... get somewhere and have some my friend. If you live anywhere near the GM you can call ahead and he'll make some for you. They is pretty tasty.
Ladies, Gentlemen and Cretins.... Please know that the loco has had the flu and is now without tastebuds. It has been this way for a week and I've had little more than jello and mandarin oranges in that time period. I ask that you all pray for the return of one of my favorite senses so that I may grill a steak for personal conusumption.
@LOCO, Sorry to hear your predicament. Dear God, Please heal our friend LOCO quickly and painlessly. Give him the strength to fully recover and return to duties as we need his presence around the forums. Amen.
I just had a rather vivid thought of hershey's syrup on a beautiful la...LOL. Ok, thats inappropriate