The Good's and Bad's of High School

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by david07, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Me thinks Davie boy here isn't interested in the future but rather in the here and now as directed by steadily increasing and increasingly raging hormones. Old fart that I am, I remember those days too. Dave, don't you have an older brother or older friend or cousin or someone of the sort? ...not that folks here won't give you their two cents in such matters but,well, just isn't the same.
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    the good of high-school

    the bad of high-school,my history teacher

    and one of the girls i dated...
  3. AXT

    AXT Guest

    Dude High School is ether good or bad, just keep your grades up, do stuff,play some sport,and most importantly try to get into a good college by KEEPING YOUR GRADES UP(HOOK'EM). Oh, and don't let women run you life because sometimes they get all crazy and stuff and you don't want to be there when it happens. Get a nice clean girl friend, i personally stayed away from the popular slutty girls, but that's just me. You still have 4 years to go good luck.
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest are, hands down, the master of the pics; I follow them in other threads too! You find an appropriate one (or not, he-he) and post it so quick! Remember Alfred E. Neumann from Mad Magazine? ... your history teacher looks like his mom or sis! My kind of women; by comparison, they make me look like Brad Pitt!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2005
  5. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Thanks so much for the compliment, gerry1! I'd also agree that you don't have to have a college education to find a job that you're interested in and make great money, but it helps. I'm pretty sure I could find a decent job in computers with at least half of the skills that I have, but I'd prefer to go to college in order to learn more people-skills and have a few extra special experiences before I hit the real world.

    Also, I don't know how to really put my Prom experience david07, since it was a mix of good and bad. Not bad as in there were fights, but I mean, they got like one of the worst DJs in like the whole county mixing songs from a new local Hip-Hop station called "Blazin' 98.9". They kept playing the same songs like 4 times in a row, and boy were they awful. It was fun to be there, I did dance with my date and a few other girls who didn't come with a date (because I don't think anybody should just miss out on something they paid for:). It really didn't matter who danced though, most everybody sucked anyway. :p I even missed the last dance, man! Not only was that a slight dissapointment, but it turned out to be the only good song played that night! LOL Well, hopefully you'll have a better time and a better DJ who has better taste in music, because there is nothing more sorry than a bunch of people in tuxedo's dancing to "Gasolina" four times in a row.

    And let me point out one thing here; people think that community college is just a baby school that people don't learn anything from, but I can tell you, as a current community college student, that you get just as good education from there as you would from State or a University. The classes at my school are just as hard as if I were to go to UCSD to take Trig, which was very hard. People keep thinking of CCs as junior colleges, which are two totally different schools.

    Like I said before, the only reason that most people would go to a community college over a university is either personal issues, they don't have the money, or they'd rather go to a CC and see if they can make it there without wasting so much money. I'd like to go straight off to SDSU from where I'm from personally, but I like the people at SDCC better because they are more real and have better life experiences, not to mention that I don't have the money for SDSU right now.

    Anyway, I just gave you my example of my experiences, so you don't have to listen to it if you don't want to. I'm just glad that you at least took it into consideration, and hopefully notice that everything in life should be worth going through to help you be a better person in the end.

    As a side note, I have a question for gerry1. I've heard of many cases where when a person in a family (usually a parent) is taken away from their home or their family, and either put into prison or a foster home, it usually can create very strong psychological adverse effects on that person for the rest of their life. Being that the cause behind that was being ripped from thier family at a young age, do you feel that this course of action is still acceptible in todays society, where people everywhere are usually vindicted to several kinds of abuse in most cases "not under there control"? I feel that we should create a better system for helping out families that need help; rather than putting the parents in prison or putting the chile in foster-care, we should focus on how to help recover the family in damage-control, where we don't ignore the problem, but try to fix and maintain the problems that are already there. Sorry, but I just took the first chance I could honestly have at asking this question to a person in the field.
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Rikoshay: I've got company over this weekend and they're in and out. Tomorrow, after they've gone, I'll comment/answer when I can think without constant interuption.
  7. david07

    david07 Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    so i should get a good relationship with teachers and concellers huh? lol, my computer science teacher hates me, she always thinks i'm chatting with friends and hitting on this 19 year old girl, when i'm getting help.

    Ireland, nice pic, i have to agree, girls like those are the "goods" of high school.
  8. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    You should try to have good relations with your teachers, but try not to kiss their ass when you do. If they like you it's okay, but it's just as okay if they don't hate you, but just have a neuteral stance towards you. If you have questions, ask them, because teachers will know that you are paying attention.

    Also, if you have a counsler that can answer questions regarding school affairs, and he or she gives you info about any specific opportunity, then utilize them for all they got. I was lucky enough to have 2 really good counsler's in my 12th grade year that helped me out in getting prepared for graduation and enrolling in college.
  9. david07

    david07 Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    kiss their ass, nice espression, yeah i know you should ask questions, but this girl, a good friend of mine, she asks a lot of questions, and her geo. teacher hates her, i know she's smart, should get like 87 average in geo. she got like 71
  10. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    The best thing to do in high school as many other people said is to get good grades. Work your butt off in high school, get into a sweet college, get a sweet job, and get a big,fat paycheck. It's a hug cycle.
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Kinza I saw your posts in other threads and just wanted to say hello. As I've only been posting regularly for the last month or two, I'm one of the new kids on the block.

    @Davie On the off chance that you haven't noticed, Kinza is not only a senior member of this group but also a member of the "female" half of our species. While she probably has no interest in getting into a discussion about a young man's hormone driven early years, perhaps she'd be willing to tell you that not all high school girls are interested in muscle-flexing jocks and that alpha-male macho crap as your earlier posts seem to indicate; the energy involved in that status crap are best focused on grades, "real" friends and the like.

    Also, we've all been there with the teachers; some are great while others are real jerks who shouldn't be teaching and there isn't a damned thing you can do except learn to deal with it ...yet, it's great practice because those people are going to be everywhere around you for the rest of your days! Right now it's a jerk of a teacher; in the years to come, it will be someone like an idiot boss at work and the ability to handle it properly won't be a grade on a report card but your paycheck and your next meal! The real skill to learn here is how to win while letter your teacher or boss think that they've doesn't do that by being mouthy or hostile, one does it by being smart/clever.

    I got your PM and you are right. I'll answer you there.
  12. david07

    david07 Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    ya, i guess you guys are rite
  13. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Yeah, there's a lot you need to learn on your own that we can't tell you, but you seem to be a willing person, so just hang in there. It's all about patience, learning to focus, and fufilling your life's desire, but it requires some work to do so, make the best out of it.

  14. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    hi gerry1, nice to meet/read you, lol

    according to what gerry1 said, and i would back up, most girls don't really care for having a jock. u might think it's the other way around because of the social classes. the jocks always go out with the preps, and blah blah blah, that doesn't happen to about 96% of the people in school. plus one funny thing i heard. my teacher is a guy's basketball coach and he's always telling everyone in our class how in the locker room all the guys call the girls sluts and whores and what not. so, jocks must be going out with preps to uphold their status. kind of lengthy there, but the point is there is someone for everyone, if you think that girl is right for u, then give it some time and u'll be together really soon.
  15. david07

    david07 Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    thnx Kinza
  16. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    no problem, keep us posted, and good luck :p
  17. david07

    david07 Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    keep u posted on what? how things are going?
  18. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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  19. david07

    david07 Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    i'll try to post all important things going on here, kinza, what grade you in? if ur still in school
  20. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    thats cool, im a sophmore.

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