High-end yes. Top-end I'm not so sure. I could have an i5, P55 board, 4GB of good RAM, a pair of HD5850s with case, PSU, drives, all in for £1000, which is a very reasonable budget for a "top-end" gaming PC, realistically, it's a little on the stingy side, and clocked up to 3.7-3.8 ish which is doable with one-touch on some MSI boards - I'd have a PC that would dramatically outmatch your gaming PC. Due to the mild overclock I wouldn't say my own real PC bests yours by very much at all, but the fact remains you can build a system that eats a Phenom II alive, especially if you're willing to overclock, for a very reasonable price. As I often state, AMD have some sweet products, but they just don't have anything "top end".
Rob, I forgot the link on it! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128387 At $110, it's tough to beat! Russ
Interesting idea. Call me pessimistic but I still think this feature gets way more hype than it should.
Estuansis, I couldn't agree more. I'm sure AMD doesn't sponsor Gaming Teams for nothing, so I think they are pretty darn good! I'll let you know as soon as I get an Athlon II x4 630! If I can get this eMachine I have fixed and sold, I'll have it! LOL!! Russ
There's a bit of conflicting terminology here. I chose the phrase "top end" rather than "high end" for a reason. We're not talking stupid low budget barebone "high end" here, when I say high end, I mean it.
Shaff, Most motherboards have similar functioning features. It's nothing new! My UD4H will let me run a duff core at lower speeds to make use of a bad core if possible. AMD Overdrive functions the same way. In fact you can set each core's OC individually, and test each core at any speed. Each core can have it's voltage set as well! Best Regards, Russ
Yeah, but you don't think any AMD is worthy of "high end" status! Most here can't afford to build a "high end" rig at the moment, so it's totally pointless to even mention! Somehow, the rest of us will not die because we don't own an i7 and can't afford one. The name of the game today is value for your Dollar! A Phenom II-940 or 945 would fit the bill very nicely! It and the MA790X-UD4H motherboard is a lot of quality bang for the buck! Use the money you save to get a better video card! I'm about a couple of weeks away from ordering a 2.8GHz Athlon IIx4 630, and then I'll see what it's made of! Should be fun! Russ
Actually Russ, yes I do: There's not a great deal of point. Unless you're going for high-end graphics power, you don't need anything more than, say a GTX275 or HD4890. If you want more than that, your budget is high enough to buy a Core i5.
Have you thought about the Athlon II X3 435: AMD's Three-Core, 2.9 GHz, $87 Triple-Threat? http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/athlon-ii-x3,2452.html#
Hard to find the 435 at the moment though - there's a small number around in the UK, not available at newegg currently. The 630 is a more efficient chip though really, another core for no extra TDP, and only an extra $35. If I had to choose between the two I'd take the 630. If I had to choose any AMD for that sort of price I'd buy an X2 550.
sytyguy, I was considering the Phenom II x3 720BE, but the Athlon II x4 630 pretty much equaled or beat it in just about every test I've seen. Not a BE, but it can stand some decent CPU Host Clock speed. 3.7 to 3.8 seems pretty decent to me, and I know of two at that speed on UD4Hs! You did notice in Tom's review that the Athlon II x3 435 was overclocked about 800MGh? The others were stock! No 630 included either, only the 620, which isn't worth buying because the 630 is so much better for $22 more. It did a pretty good job squaring off against the Q8200, Q8300 and the Q9550 in previous reviews. Best Regards, Russ
The X2 550 BE or the X3 720 BE are the best budget chips out. The Athlon II X4 is a happy compromise for mass mfgs and good market filler but little else. Most individual builders will be getting the Phenom II parts just because they are so fast and cheap. The X3 720 BE is supposed to be an excellent value I'm told and offers the advantages of multi threading but with only 3 cores. It scales well though and OCs quite decently. Looking to be about 3.5-3.8GHz on average. Not to mention it's a fully featured Phenom II with 6MB of L3 cache. The Athlon II, while still way faster than an original Phenom, has none. This has to make a difference between the 630 X4 and the 720 X3. They'll each be better at certain things but the 720 has more raw power. And at $115 now I think it's about as good as it gets. Of course I understand everyone has their own individual needs so buy what suits you.
Estuansis, All I did was go back and re-read the reviews I posted a month or so ago. I took special note, of the 720BE and the 630's performance. At the end of the tests, and I added up all the scores, the 630 was the clear winner between the triple and the quad. I don't mind telling you that I was surprised. The 630 won more outright, than the 720BE did! Russ
Once again, Tom's Hardware not impressing me with their review methods. I tend to disregard cache as an absolute measure of speed and just gaze at some equivalancy benchmarks - that should say enough about what the cache does - otherwise the temptation is to go "look, it's faster AND has more cache!" when it could be faster BECAUSE of the cache, nothing more. The 620 and 630 really aren't bad CPUs at all, I'm not sure where anyone said they were...
ok guys heres what my buddy here at work has decide to go with for his AMD build next month. mobo http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128377 cpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103674 mem http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231193 he has everything else.nice case. the coolermaster Sniper, but i do question his cooler. he has the coolermaster V8 cooler will it mount up with the AM3 chip? or does he need a different bracket?
if he's buying a V8 cooler, he may as well just get the 945 and overclock it, that will serve him better.