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The New AMD Building Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by theonejrs, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    I with you Russ either he had a bad day or it was a rush job to get it done.The spacing is all messed up yes it's a good motherboard maybe they should have stuck with just PCI-e slots instead of trying to over do it.I say someone did'nt measure that day...

    Aight Russ now you got me confused Question is what the Maxs resolution on your Monitor and if you got ati HD4670 why did'nt it come with the catalyst software like all the ATI cards do. I believe my software would work with that card of yours even the software that came with my xfx HD 4770 at this point i'll show you the his ati 5770 view I can change the resolution but it recommened to run at 1920x1080 on my monitor that's the maxs.I order my lcd screen back in 5/1/09 it's been unavailible for a long time but it's back in stock now it's same one remember ? You recommened this screen for me:)
    my card is not availible any more but it's no different than the XFX HD-577A-ZNFC Radeon HD 5770,Sapphire 100283L Radeon HD 5770,Sapphire Vapor-X 100283VX-2L Radeon HD 5770 they all have the Juniper XT

    best of luck with that card:)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  2. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    So I just looked at prospective build for an AMD system and it's more expensive than i7 build. Are the AMD hexa-cores really worth what they're asking for them? From what I know of i5/i7/AMD I'd just buy what ever is cheaper.
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The maximum resolution is 1680x1050, and it did come with Catalyst. Same thing with the MA785GM-US2H motherboard I just used for my friend's build. It came with Catalyst too. Neither one will display 1680x1050! In the case of the new MB, it won't even work in DVI. It just gives a black screen, with no back light, but it does detect a video signal! The list of resolutions you covered up with the CCC pic doesn't list a resolution of 1650x1080!

  4. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I would imagine it's worth it to some people. There are programs that can utilize that potential. Myself, it's too soon. I have very few programs that can utilize the full potential of the quads. Nero vision for instance. My 940 phenom impressed me today. It transcoded 2 1080P files to dvd in a mere 30 minutes. I think the total running time (frames) was around 50-55 minutes. One of the few programs capable of video encoding/transcoding utilizing near or full potential of a quad! If it could utilize a hexa-core? Oh baby! LOL! It just might be worth it then. Or if there were a very demanding game ;)
  5. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    No it don't but.I'll take the cover off and let you see my list.lol sorry about that Russ.I'll post one on the AMD Rig later on right now.I'm working on a Old school rig for a customer


    PS: I just had to do a search on Old VGA card for a customer (ATI Rage Pro 128) for a driver Found It:)) haven seen that old card in awhile
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    At $295 w/free shipping it's very tempting for me. All I need do is flash the bios to F10A, and install the 1090T! I also just downloaded the latest AMD OD, 3.2.1. With it you can control the percentage of usage for the cores individually. It would be nice to be able to set up a profile, just for encoding, since I don't generally do anything else when I encode anyway.

    This Massachusetts build, may lead to more builds for me, so if I come up with $300 to spare, that will work! :)

  7. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    just wonering russ but have you unplugged the monitor from the mains, tried turning it on, wait 30s and plugged it back in and then tried it. And have you tried another dvi cable?
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Yes on both counts!

  9. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Russ, are you using the latest Catalyst downloaded off the website or are you using the drivers on the CD? New drivers come out almost every month that fix all sorts of issues. I own a 1680 x 1050 monitor as well and all of my Ati cards, an X850XT, an X1800XT, 4870 Crossfire, and my current 5850 Crossfire setup all recognize the monitor without issue.

    My point being that you mention the Catalyst that came with the card, and the Catalyst that came with a motherboard's onboard graphics. There are specific, constantly updated drivers for the HD4000 series right on the ATi site.

    Of course if you've already done this I have no clue then :S
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've already downloaded and upgraded them, to no avail! It just seems strange that so far no Ati card works with my monitor, yet every nVidia I've tried (5) does! The HD4670 works fine in Oxi, but I bought it for the more powerful 955BE. Now I'm stuck with a video card I can't return, and I'll have to spend more money for an nVidia card to put in my computer to replace the 9500GT with something more powerful. I'll never buy another Ati video card, or recommend one!

  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Aside from the fact that there are 237,000 results for that search, not many million, read some of those results. A large number of them are issues with Linux monitor support, and ATI's native linux software was, until recently, useless.
    Several of them are automatically generated pages that take your search term, write it at the top and display another page that's probably not relevant.
    Another issue is of course that 1680x1050 is only an officially supported resolution in DVI spec, not VGA spec. If Scpetre monitors specifically use some sort of VGA standard info instead of DVI, that may cause some confusion in the drivers. Almost all of these monitors are encountering the issue using VGA, and when they switch to DVI the problem disappears.
    The rest of them are simply cases where they haven't got a graphics driver installed at all (A feather in Windows Vista/7's cap as they allow a graphics card to be fully utilised without a driver installed, correct resolution, DVD playback, games et. al)

    Refusing to buy an ATI card because you bought a monitor from a sub-par brand is a strange way of going about things, but I'm pretty confident if you took a step out of the dark ages and installed Windows 7, you wouldn't have the issue.

    Maw: The answer is no, unless they routinely use an application that can use 6 cores, and won't be overclocking. Outside this scenario, the X6 CPUs have little use.
  12. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    That's one thing about windows 7 it comes with alot of built in drives already to help and Russ may have to jump up to a better LCD screen in size like a 21.5 and another thing Sam are you calling Russ a Cave man...lol o'boy Gecko
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    not directly calling Russ anything, but except for very rare program circumstances I really don't see why anyone needs to stick with XP any more, save for being unable to buy a copy of Win7 and refusing to "acquire" one.
  14. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Yeah XP has compatibility down but is very outdated these days and not really ideal for use with newer hardware. Windows 7 does a lot to address the issues of XP and Vista plus uses the best compatibility modes I've seen to date. Much more effective than on XP. And even after all this it still ends up following the same basic file system structure of XP. So it's better, cleaner, easier to use without being a whole different experience. And with the power of any modern PC, especially an overclocked quad core with plenty of RAM and a decent video card, performance is really not an issue at all.
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Net extra memory usage in basic form is about 500MB for Win7 over XP, not a great deal in most instances. I can't get usage to reach 4GB at the desktop no matter how many programs I open, it takes complex games to achieve that, even with 30+ chrome tabs open in the background. Once you get used to the interface (which doesn't take long, and trust me, once used to Win7, you'll dislike the XP interface) it's a perfectly decent OS now, at long last.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Check again. Here's a copy from the link I gave you! "About 2,180,000 results (0.41 seconds)". Maybe the new math is different, but when I went to school, that number reads 2 million, 180 thousand results. I'm not claiming that all those links are for modern video cards, but a good number of them are, with almost all of them being problems with Ati video cards delivering 1680x1050 resolution, or rather not delivering it! nVidia cards will generally install themselves in XP. Most Ati cards will not! nVidia cards all seem to work just fine with my monitor, while almost all Ati's won't, so I can't understand why you blame the monitor.

    I don't know anything about a sub-par brand, as all the reviews I've ever read for this particular model, and Sceptre monitors in general were very favorable. They are also still in business, and you can't do that without sales. There are others here at AD that have the same monitor, and they agree with my assessment of it, that's it's a great monitor, and a step up from TN panel monitors. I know this for a fact as they PM'd me to let me know they agreed with my assessment of it, back when we went through this same discussion some years ago.

    The "Dark Ages", as you so nicely put it have nothing to do with anything! I've tried Win 7 a couple of times, and I don't like it, as there's far to much "Kid mentality" to it, too much "Bling". I don't want "Bells and Whistles", I want something that's simple and intuitive to use! So far Win 7 has not shown me that! Win 7 does not cure the monitor problem either. I've tried computers running win 7 that have Ati cards in them, and it does the same thing. While Win 7 may be great for games, it offers little improvement in speed for most applications. I'm 66, with the prospect of living maybe another year or so, and I have no intention of spending my time in having to learn another operating system, especially one as bloated as Win 7 is! Just a week ago or so ago someone sent me an email complaining about all the differences there are between XP and Win7, and how difficult it is to figure out how to do certain things that were so simple to do with XP. The Help file is useless, so you spend more time googling for answers than you would ever save in the supposed speed advantage! XP support from Micro$oft ends in April of 2014, and I'll be long gone by then, so XP will be my last operating system!

    Someone suggested to me that I give Win 7 Basic a try, as it has less Bells and Whistles. I'm going to do just that, but this time I'll remove the boot drive first, and put it away so I don't have to start all over again if I don't like it.

    Oh, while I'm not disagreeing with your answer to Red_Maw. I would also like to point out that the same drawbacks you mention would also apply to the Intel 6 cores, as well. At 1/3 of the price of the i7 970, and the i7 980X costing $100 more than the 970, I would love to have a 1090T for $295 for mine. I do a lot of Video Encoding with DVDRB/CCE, and two extra cores would reduce my encoding time by a lot. A simple bios flash, and drop one in my motherboard, and I will be good to go! It would also be the 4th CPU installed on my current platform! So far I haven't seen enough difference in performance between mine and the AM3/DDR3 boards to justify the investment in a new motherboard and DDR3. So far the lack of Sata 6.0Gb/s drives, and hardly anything that uses USB 3, seems to make having them a non-issue as well. Maybe next time!

  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    When run through google it reads 237,000 results. UK-based searches presumably yield different results. Either way, not one of the links I read (of over a dozen) contains a problem that wasn't solved with changing from VGA to DVI or properly installing graphics drivers.
    Sceptre only sell to the US market, which is a warning sign right there. Secondly, the reviews for some of their other monitors are terrible, among the worst I have ever seen.

    ATI cards also work fine with all other monitors, so I can't see why you blame the graphics card. It works both ways round Russ.

    Windows 7 is simple and intuitive to use. If you don't like the 'bling', turn it off! Windows 7 comes with everything needed to make it look almost identical to Windows 98.
    You have presumably installed Catalyst on windows 7. The reason I suggested 7 is such that you can just not install the driver, and use the windows default one, and ability that XP does not have.
    If you know how to use google, anything you can't figure out how to do in win7 you can learn in 30 seconds, it's not difficult. The OS is, in my opinion, easy to use, and took me about a month to learn. Unless you think that's as long as you've got left, I still strongly recommend you try it. Basic is probably best avoided, however, as it will come with all of the stuff you don't want still, but be missing some of the stuff you will.

    I didn't say the drawbacks didn't apply to Intel's 6-cores. They're horribly overpriced, because they're extreme edition CPUs. Fact is though, the X6 CPUs are so slow that the 4-core i5s and i7s can keep up, so there's no real need for them to sell low-end 6 core CPUs as of yet. They probably will eventually.
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Acquiring one has recently gotten to be a very problematic thing. You can acquire a copy, but it won't authenticate, in fact it may not even let you install it. You might get a message that your copy of Win 7 does not match the profile of the computer you are trying to install it on. Each legitimate install of Win 7 generates a profile of your computer, which is mated to a unique identifier code on the install disk which Micro$oft collects and stores in a Database. They give you about 120 days to fiddle with your configuration. After that it's locked, so for instance if you buy a new CPU, you have to be able to prove via invoice, that you bought a new one. I'm not exactly sure what information they collect besides the CPU ID, but essentially your legitimate copy of Win 7 is "Married" to your CPU ID, so it can't be installed on another computer, as each copy of Win 7 contains it's own unique identifier code. You can't legally or otherwise stop M$ from collecting that information, or stop them from disabling Win 7 if the profile doesn't match, as it checks the configuration every time you boot up, after the 120 day period. Unplugging the Lan cable won't solve the problem, as windows will not fully start until you have an internet connection. I'm not 100% sure about that part, but even if it boots up correctly, M$ will check the minute an internet connection is plugged in. You can not access or modify the profile information, as M$ is the only one that can access or modify it.

    Even OEMs for Builders will be that way, with one copy for each computer, so if you buy a computer with Win 7 installed, be sure you get the Disk and Authentication sticker with the Key Code, with it! OEMs are required to give you those! I've had a number of calls and emails about this very recently. Even new copies of XP are that way as well. I just installed an XP-Pro/SP2 OEM for Builders the other day, on my friends build. No more free rides!

    I don't know if you remember it or not, but this was a threat made by M$, a couple of years ago, that everybody laughed at. It seems, it's finally become a reality.

  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I've reactivated my win7 copy on various different hardware configs several times, never had any issues at all.
  20. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Not according to what I read just going through some of the posts. ViewSonic, Samsung, Dell, Acer, eMachines, Hyundai, HannsG, Sceptre and even HP, were all mentioned. All have experienced problems with 1650x1050 with Ati video. There were others as well, brands I've never heard of. I also saw a few complaints about nVidia as well, but not near as many. Most of the monitors in question were 22", which makes sense, since 1680x1050 is the most common resolution for 22" monitors. There were also a few mentions of Ati and 1440x900, but my HD4670 is currently running a 19" at that resolution with no problems.

    Please don't get me wrong, it may well be the monitor's fault, but apparently nVidia has taken whatever steps are necessary to aviod this kind of problem, while Ati has obviously not!

    BTW, this is exactly what I input to google to get the 2 million plus!
    "Ati video problem with 1680x1050 resolution"
    Same spelling and everything. Try it (without the quotes) and you should get the same number.


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