@aabbccdd yeah i seen that case. how is that case by the way? so the fans are quiet or does it depend on the speed that they are set at?
it was like 120.00 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811129021 http://www.pricegrabber.com/p__Ante...search=antec+nine+hundred/mode=g_us_b_s/skd=1
red lights or red blades? those antec ones that light red would be as good as any but i dont think they are all that quiet, but ones that light up tend not to be. the noctua nf-s12 is an ultra quiet sollution but it is more of a dark red. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FG-001-NC&groupid=701&catid=57&subcat=4
marsey99, the Antec fans have lights NOT colored blades and they do run pretty quite, i have four 120mm and one 200mm in this Antec gaming case and its perfectly fine
tpyo, it should of said "that light up red" my bad. the noise level is subjective, what would bother me might not bother you or vice versa. now that antec one is rated at 28db the nf-s12 is rated at 18db which is quiet a difference in what you would hear. i was only using the website to show you what those looked like, but im sure they are availible in the us too if you looked around. you might also want to look for rubber mounts instead of metal screws as these too can help to reduce total noise.
aabbccdd i'm thinking about going with that case because i planning on building a backup computer with the spare parts i have.( i may need you and some of the others here at AD help because itsgoing to be my first build.)
BigDK lol thanks for the list and pics of red fans. However heres the a link to the one i was looking at http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=77097#
Its hard to tell. The one you suggested was 29db, all the led versions seem to be louder than the standard fans. Thermaltake Thunderblade 120mm Low Noise Red LED Case Fan is 2000 rpm at only 21dba. Thermaltake A2346 120mm iFlash is only 16dba but has alternating colours, if it possible to jig it to stay on red I don't know, its also only 1600 rpm. ANTEC TriCool Fan/120mm is 1200-2000 rpm 25-30 dba Akasa AK174CR-4RDB is 2000 rpm, about 29dba Blackfire4 UV LED 120mm is a good compromise of higher speed and reasonable noise. 2500 rpm 29db.
The thermaltake thunderblade is rated at 21dB, but is actually 36dB, it's just completely false advertising.
At last the phase cooler has turned up and after spending a day installing it and getting everything ready, the PC is now running nice and cold as intended. These temperatures were recorded with TAT running 100% on both cores of the PC. Cores seem to stay at a steady -2`C no matter what you throw at them. Chipset stays at a stable 25`C even on full load as well. GPU is overclocked as well and main temp stays within 1`C of 26`C. As the intention originally was to enable me to push the system and keep temperatures right down, I'm now quite happy with the cooling results given by the mixture of Phase/Water/Air. I'll be pushing the FSB up higher over the next few days and will see what temps I can achieve then. This CPU is the new E6600, so I'm not yet sure what speed it it will give (time will tell).