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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Well, I used a bolt-thru kit to install my Xigmatek, and I screwed all the things in as far as they would go. My only explanation is that I screwed one is crooked or lopsided or something so one corner of the base is not in direct contact (which is probably the corner that core 0 is on)...

    EDIT: My application of TP is pretty thin, but it doesn't exactly cover the entire base, just a small part around the middle... What do you guys use to spread it around? because that was my problem when I was putting it on.

    I'll try to reinstall my stock fan to check temps, but it's just that it's a B**CH to get that thing on with the push pins.

    greensman, you're scaring me with that "disturbing" stuff there. Getting me worried lol. If I can't get it to work, then I'll have to choice but to take it in to a professional repair shop to check it out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2008
  2. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    NO worries as of yet. lol.

    I think you can do this yourself, easily I may add. ;) I know it's a PITA, but remove your heatsink, clean all the OLD goody off of both surfaces and let's start over. ;)

    A plastic card works well for your 'spreading' device... Some don't spread the PASTE but I prefer to so I know how much is there and where it's going. lol. A rice sized (maybe a bit larger) application to the middle of the cpu heatsink should be spread out until it's about 1/16"-1/8" from the edge of the cpu heatsink. I also apply a very thin app to the middle of the cpu cooler about the size of a nickel for my piece of mind but it's not necessary. ;)

    Once that is done 'set' the cpu cooler on the cpu (gently of course) and begin 'tightening' the bolts on the cooler. I would try to get them (the bolts) snug but NOT tight. (do they have springs with them?) I'm sorry I don't know what the 'bolts' look like with the Xigmatek cooler. (nvm just looked them up..) When you bolt them 'up' be sure to go across the "X" and not the bolt next to the one you just tightened. That way you should avoid a "tilted" cooler. ;) I also don't think there is any reason to 'tighten' them all the way up.... jm2c on it.... :D


  3. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Wait, you didn't spread the TP? Huh.

    Most heatsinks have a flat base so the base spreads it on the CPU. What I did was apply small amounts of TP to the heatpipes themselves, because the Xigmatek WONT spread it on the CPU like other heatsinks.
  4. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    lol. I spread it...but I'm pretty sure I did a mediocre job at it. I used the tip of the AS5 seringe thing. And I used a SUPER tiny amount, which would explain why it didn't spread around too much...I got a lot to learn about this stuff...

    greensman: Would an old credit card or something like that work for the "spreading device?" I assume that's what you mean by a "plastic card".
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2008
  5. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Just put some on each heatpipe and pressure should do the rest.
  6. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest


    and if you use (too much) the heat won't escape right either..

    @rest of the crew
    i got the kazemaster scythe hooked up boys and it looking sweet to i like it, got the 2 side 120mm's and 2 top 120mm's hooked up to it & sensor 1 cpu sensor 2 video card,sensor 3 psu housing and last but not lease sensor 4 master hard drive..here's a pic..


    only 3 fans hooked on the motherboard front,back and heatsink..

    newegg link:

    remote start is next..i gotta finishes dressing this RC-590 out with parts b4 winter hits cause there will be a new car in the garage in 09 Water Cooled..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2008
  7. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    HOLY CRAP, I could never justify spending that much just on a fan controller...
  8. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I see the same with my Q9450, core 1 is 10°C hotter than rest. I thought it was cause of extra instructions it gives the rest of the chip but 10° is still significant. I may have overspread my AS paste over the entire chip also, but I did use the credit card method and was thin over the entire surface. If I ignores core 1 temps, I would try to OC my rig more cause cores 2-4 look great still (sorry I'm not running a full test for proof at 3AM my time...)
  9. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    here are the AS5 application directions for an intel quad core cpu. I don't know if they will work for your cpu cooler however due to the heatpipes on the bottom of the base. if the base is smooth and flat, I would follow the AS5 directions. did you get any instructions with the cooler regarding application of thermal compound?

    I wouldn't mess with the oem hsf. it is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever seen. only about 1/2" thick and all aluminum except a small copper ring on the base. I was very disapointed with intels idea of a hsf. AS5 aplication instructions for intel quad core cpu's:

  10. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Mort, that wont work. The Xigmatek is a a exposed pipe design. So he cant just put the heatsink on the paste, because there is no heatsink base to spread it around.
  11. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I understand that but since that's the case Xigmatec needs to send thermal paste application instructions. I would also use their thermal compound if any comes with it.

    for all other non exposed heatpipe heatsinks, the instructions above should be followed. do NOT spread.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  12. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    It comes with it lol.
  13. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Great pics and info Mort! Since I already know I spread more AS around than that picture/guide shows, anyone think the 10°C discrepancy between cores 1-4 maybe an effect?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  14. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    mort: I read those instructions and thought the same thing that abuzar said, because the heatpipes don't line up to where the instructions say to apply the as5. I try to reinstall it AGAIN (3rd or 4th time, I've lost count)...with the thermal compound the hsf came with. It's a powder so....

    deadrum: What are your temps for core 2-4. I would like to know to compare to see if I'm having the same problem.
  15. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    some people got money and some don't..was that neg comment or positive 1 abuzar? we only live once here on this earth if you got it flunt it..and look at fans speeds and temps..

    on the heatsink issue:

    are the cores divided by the slit in this heatsink base if so that would be 3 pipes per side like a V8 engine..lol sorry..i had to add that..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2008
  16. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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  17. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Deadrum: That is amazing to me. You have yours OCed to 3.36 GHz, and your core temps are still 10C lower than mine. I really have no idea how you guys do that! I wanna go watch a professional do it so I can watch and learn how to do it also...
    At this point, I don't know if it's faulty fan installation, or a faulty CPU....
  18. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    MRK44---i (we, mort81) can do better than that 3.36, I could get 450FSBx8(3.6) but not too stable without going to the OC thread and upping CPU volts which I dont want to max cause of other peoples overvolt failures. I know the specs of our chip were posted a page or 2 ago, but also know "internet authorities" said they fry quicker than rated.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Thanks Russ, never even occurred for me to look there... *Facepalm*
    Mine is also running at 1.25V. Hardly surprising really, I certainly didn't change it.
    Abuzar: lol, I've spent £30 on a fan controller before, and I tell you something, it was one of very few that were actually worth the money. The other one was the somewhat cheaper £10 Sunbeam Rheobus.
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The Tj max on Coretemp is 105 when many are using 95, and that makes a 10 degree difference.

    The difference in the readings on some of your cores that greensman pointed out is no concern either. Some of the 45 NM processors core diodes sensors get stuck and don't work right, but you only need just one so you are still ok. Just go with the highest reading or you can test them using RealTemp.

    Those of us here with successfully cooled processors are using very high quality aftermarket cooling. The temperature that you saw on Morts post was a combination of a High quality air cooler and the fact that he had a Zeon which uses very low voltages.

    I use water cooling on my processor which can surpasses most if not all air coolers. Quality air cooling if you get the right one can be very effective, but the are also very bulky around the processor. With water cooling I'm left more room for memory and chipset cooling.
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