Heh heh, that would look pretty tacky LOL! You should see the area behind my monitor. I'm rather amazed with myself. I was considered the clean freak at a trade school I went to (Job Corps). Now, I'm lazy, and I half ass things. Perhaps I'll try to motivate myself tomorrow, and see what I can sell, while cleaning my friggin room LOL! It's just so intimidating. If I could tidy up my work space though, it would make it worth it
Beating a dead horse maybe but it's funny to give him crap nonetheless http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/109/photo7fe.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/338/photo9v.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/photo17vl.jpg/ My point made These are rather old. The round ATA cable for the DVD-RW has long since been replaced with SATA.
BTW those temps posted in my image shack album are with the AC running. Quite a difference no? My temps still aren't terrible by any stretch, but not as good as I should have with this cooler. Glad you like it, Omega ;P I do too!
AC running has a major impact. I've been averaging 70F in my room for over a month. My northbridge really likes it LOL! The CPU I don't even worry about. That mega killer does a wonderful job. My idles are around 26 - 27C most the time. And audibly, it's VERY agreeable. I run the 120's at 1300Rpms most the time. I guess I could get a way with a lot less, when not encoding I better not post my case. Not until it's clean anyhow. There's no contest
LOL, I have to comment here, and by no means am I cutting on anybody, it's just a funny observation, you guys don't make short cuts on quality and expense when it comes to your pc's, but in your camera's and quality of your picture taking sucks lol.
That is how I do mine too! Always very neat. My guess is they are using cell phones to take pictures in low lighting, no fill flash, but you are right!
LOL I agree Steve, I commented because my wife passed by as said crappy pc pictures, who's are they, I said all the friends from AD, she said not those geeky friends of yours you keep bragging about on how high tech they are, I said yes, she said boy they don't seem so high tech with pictures like that (plus some expletives deleted) I said (like you said Steve) after keeping up with all the high tech gear which can cost some pretty big bucks now their broke, so all they have left is their phone camera's. She doesn't know jack about pc's, so I needed to explain that, on the other hand more than likely very true.
I have a Gigabyte 790X-UD4P I want to sell. It's only a few months old as it was replaced by Gigabyte. AM2, AM2+, AM3. great board w/8 total sata ports. The two purple ports are set in AHCI from the factory, for the ESata breakout adapter. Comes with everything necessary to connect two external Sata drives http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128387 I was able to run stable at 4.02GHz with my 6 core on it http://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/r556/theonejrs/CPUz040411.jpg Any interest. PM me. Russ
I'm insulted! My point and shoot is a little rough, but it doesn't have nearly the noise of the previous posts
My room isn't goof for natural light, as I don't care for too much of it, adds too much glare on the screen. Without a decent light source, you don't get good photographs. Sorry!
LOL this was done with an iPod 4th Gen in one hand without the hacked software. If I wanted to bother with the time I'd take them with a tripod and proper lighting then hand develop the photos just like good ole' Dad Point taken though. I need to get something that works better as a camera, maybe a real digital camera LOL. The camera on the iPod is artificially limited and I've since gotten it properly unlocked. Remember these are almost a year old at the least. Recently sold my iPad 2 in favor of another refurbished laptop. This time another Lenovo Thinkpad T500. Built like a tank this thing. Should use the money saved and go find something.
The image I posted did come from a proper Canon digital compact camera, granted it was only £65 ($80 pre-tax), but it's pretty good in the right circumstances, just, taking photos at night of my room are far from the right circumstances This is another picture with the same camera: http://i.imgur.com/8t2fD.jpg No prizes for guessing the location!
My point and shoots love sunny outside shots. They do quite nicely with those indeed Inside though, I have to be more critical about lighting
Use a fill flash boys and your results will be much better! My room is normally dark too, but I do have sufficient lighting if need be and sometimes I do need lots of lighting depending on what I'm working on.
A fill flash with a compact camera, like it To be brutally honest, for me it's simply a lack of care. It never seems necessary to get a perfect shot for stuff like this, it's not as if I'm about to make a full-on poster using the image...
Sam, A few months back I bought a Kodak C1530. 14.1 MP, for a close out price of $22. It takes very good pics. I couldn't pass it up for the money. It has a large 3" LCD screen. the only odd thing about it is it's silver. The manual says they come in Black, Red, or White. Guess they forgot about the Silver color. LOL!! I should have bought two of them! I use NiMH rechargeable AA 2700 mAh batteries in it. I've learned, I won't buy a rechargeable camera with a custom battery ever again. That's what happened to my last one. The battery went bad, and there is no way to replace it. AA's will do just fine, tyvm! Best Regards, Russ
Rechargeable bats are very nice. But I've found the energizer lithium batteries to be the best in my point and shoot. However, there are reviews stating that they're stupid powerful. In that they may harm equipment.
Russ is speaking of a custom rechargeable battery, or even possibly one that is not removable, possibly the flat square ones you find in some snap shots. All of the camera's I've ever owned that had a rechargeable single battery would also use AA's as well, but then I don't buy snap shot camera's as I've always gone professional SLR style for the most part. There have been some exceptions with old power wind camera's as some didn't use standard batteries but those were special situations.