I joined up on 12 January 2005, and I have found that I get a "Family" feeling from the irc room more than the forums. There are just so many people on there now. I mean there were quite a few when I started but now it just seems that there are just too many to keep up with. I used to check my email like 7 times a day easy, and recieve about 12 notifications or more each time. Now I only get like 3 notifications a day I think that the irc room is more personal, coz ya can ask questions and chat & stuff instantly
Well, instead of making a new thread to say goodbye (because I'm not worth it =P ), I'll be saying mine here. I, like other members, have decided to move on. The wheel of life turns, and I have chosen to turn with it. Thankyou for the happy memories, and I wish you all the best in life. Toiletman.
peace brother have a good one but why are you just bugging out like that does anyone have a link to the IRC room
i dont even remember how long i've been here, 3 years i think. yeah the good old days are gone. just like a quiet neighboorhood out in the country that gets surrounded by flintstone look-a-like houses. The IRC channel has been around a while too, i remember when it was just me and Dela and loaded in there. I dont even remember the network we were on back then but it wasn't very stable so we hopped around a while until we finally landed on stormchat. I have a job to do here so i stick around, but i am much more at home on IRC and can always be found there.
Next month, December 2 will be my 3 Year anniversery. I was a noobie, I was also a Moderator in the X Copy rooms , and now I am a Senior Member. AD has changed a lot over the last 3 years, I have learned an awful lot here. I still pick up new ideas and ways of doing things. I remember Toiletman, he will be missed....
GOOD...GRIEF...how time flies! I remember how I was looking for programs to, um...er, "back up" my movies (hehe) and accidently stumbled upon this site. One stop shopping place for all your needs. Since creating my acct. this past January, I have met ALOT of great people. There is definately a family atmosphere here on aD. I have very fond memories of how I spoke to each and everyone of the peeps that I know now. And as in family, you always think about good and bad times. Some of my most fondest ones were the fun flame war over Memorex dvd's, Bubba's asking about a chat room on AfterDawn (how I first met this cat), the wookie dance by our "furry user",............. Anyways, WAY too many to mention...but you get the idea. I find it funny, though, how "close" this family is. Even being in the irc channel, even though it is open to all people, there are those who are ALWAYS in there. My hat goes off to you all, who have been there to help me out, made me laugh, made me think, and all in all...just being cool as hell!
for those that dont know, the IRC channel is on the stormchat server now. /server irc.stormchat.org come on down, feel free to hang out or just idle (or even carry on conversations with yourself like T-man did)
Sorry to hear you leave T-man as I really looked forward to your " Ahoy Gamers!" thread. I really don't want you to leave but you must do what you gotta do....I just hope you stay and update your Ahoy Gamers! thread HEHE I havn't visited aD buddies in a minute but im sure you'll be in there ta chat it up so I will see you there.
And... To all you wonderfull Gents and Ladies... Thank-you very much for making my experience and knowledge get way further ahead than I would have ever possibly done on my own!! You are ALL, unique, genuine, skilled people, and the kindness of your hearts IS very evident in Posts AND Replies. Thanks for All your help since I signed up; Cause, I'll gaurantee I'll stick around 4Ever, the knowledge here is unsurpassable in our REAL world. Thank-you, SENIOR , and ADDICTS of AD! PEACE and good fairness to you all. Weycraze edit sp, damn my spelling has gone to the shits, sorry!
I remember my first thread as a n00b http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/70433 BTW I did use search that day
Welcome back to the forums, toiletman. Not too familiar with you, but see you on the aDB constantly =D
I remember my first post, I had read around the forums, but I never posted. I remember my first post.. - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/122787 I notice there are a few people which don't post quite so much anymore. -Mike EDIT : It's funny.. there wasn't such a big hype about halo back then as there is now, otherwise I think there would have been a lot more posts.
nice to see your still with us t-man, now if only baabaa would decide to re visit us as well..............
ive been around forums for the last 6months but i only joined here in september last year.after being banned i rejoined last december last year.i think my 1st post was about my xbox default dash which i still havnt got around to fixing.i mainly help out in the xbox section and i add my opinions and helpful advice on the safety valve aswell as making contraversial topics of conversation like how a celebrity died.once i get a new computer with windows XP and a dvd burner i look forward to helping out in the pc/dvd sections.for now i might post some more game reviews in the xbox games section.i should be sticking around for a while hopefully.