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The whole point of the safety valve...

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by SypherTek, Jan 11, 2006.

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  1. Xsilver

    Xsilver Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    Not anarchy! Its called a debate or difference of opinion.
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    a simple way to do this is to see if drd can block the post count add if posted in this Safety valve board

    note:the post count has never ment beans to me,from day one.

    i ask drd years ago to get rid of newbie and use member instead..he said no..

    we use to have a 3-day waiting peried,i asked though mr moore if it could be removed,drd then removed the 3-day wait to post..
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  3. rundata

    rundata Guest

    If people want to make loads of pointless posts then i asy let them, i see senior members make dumb posts sometimes, just cos they have a high post count.. dont mean they posted lots of help..
  4. rundata

    rundata Guest

    and the thread was dead. close thread
  5. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    We're trying to have a mature and civil discussion and even though I don't embrace the premise on which this thread was started it has turned out to be a noteworthy debate with no flame throwing and that imo speaks volumes and bodes well for this community. I have also seen Seniors and others both above and below on the totem pole make posts which defy the rules or certainly could be considered an infraction. It's an imperfect system and there will always be infractions. People are by and large temperamental and even the best of us at times will post something pointless. What is important is to not establish a record of doing so repeatedly.

    I agree with you on the point that this is a debate and might I add a decent one at that. I don't think you are, but just for the record don't feel offended that I singled you out earlier. You were the first advocate of this thread and hence I addressed my response to you et al. Regarding your following statement:
    What sought of groups or organizations do not let members question descisions made by its leaders?
    I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.[/bold]

    Imho the question asked in the thread by Syphertek could easily have been asked in a less inflammatory way and would have been more well received. But obviuosly he felt incensed about it and posted with his emotions on his sleeve. I do not wholeheartedly agree with Lethal B that the authority of the Mods should not be questioned but the manner in which it is done is of paramount importance. I somehow recall seening an instance where a Mod closed a thread and subequently reopened it and apologised. It was reopened after he was PM'd by a few people. So ofcourse they can & will make mistakes and their authority can be questioned. They are afterall....only human. I would surmise that there are appropriate channels to pursue any questionable actions of a Mod and the public forum would not be my first choice. I'd PM either another Mod or the Mod in question and if I believe that I am being treated unjustly at this level then I'd seek audience with DRD or some other Admin Official. I don't think the Mods want to be perceived as ogres either. They are infact quite pleasant. Even.....the Nephster, lol.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  6. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    I totally agree there, Jerry. 110%. You don't need to apologize for speaking your mind, and anyone who seems offended by your post is exactly the type of person being referred to.

    I look at it this way. The forums with responsible Addicts & Senior members are the ones that are still in good organized shape. On the contrary hand, take a look at the gaming forums. They are an absolute disgrace. It's not through the fault of the moderators. All they can do is ban, edit and point to the rules.

    But when you are dealing with such juvenile ignorant flamers as you find in the console forums, then the above powers that moderators possess become next to useless. So long as they keep coming back, keep flaming, and being so damn inconsiderate, I daresay the moderators are 'powerless' to stop it.

    The other thing is, I know these forums are 'discussion forums' on paper, but the whole moral of the forum (well at least mine), is to help others. Take help and give help, and ddp's one liner 'teach & learn' sums it up. I, like others, just enjoy helping people. Don't do it for post count, don't do it for status, don't do it for the 'thank-you's' either. Just feel like I hae a duty here to get a job done & set a decent example as a Senior member going-on aDaddict.
    To many n00bs in the Afterdawn game are playing for status.

    The other day, I saw a senior member of whom I had never seen in my several months in these forum (obviously, I won't name-drop). Out of curiosity, I thought, "who are they? where do they post?" Took a peek in the gaming forums - low & behold - this person was locked in a flamewar and acting like someone than wouldn't even suffice in a teen forum on face of behaviour.. I feel disgusted that I am seen as at the 'same level' as people like this...
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  7. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    ok :)
    read the whole of this thread,
    i agree with free speech etc. but..all debates/meetings have to draw the line somewhere and that is why you have enforcers. ours are mods and they do a great job under difficult conditions. they take a lot of stick from all sorts but still manage to keep a bit of dignity and carry on helping ppl in spite of said abuse.
    i spend several hrs a day lurking around here and i can assure you that if i had the button there would be a whole lot more threads closed than there is now.
    don't panic though. its taken me a year to reach senior, and will take another couple for me to reach Addict, so the chances of me becoming a mod are remote
    these guys have been given the dubious "honour" of being mods by being selected by the members of this forum as respected ppl, for the work and advise they have given
    thats it i'm off to lurk
    POWER TO YOU GUYS keep up the good work :)
  8. laurenzo

    laurenzo Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    I have never been on this forum before but have read up in recent days.
    It is obvious that the ones whinging and moaning about threads being closed are the ones who in fact HIDE themselves in such forums without making any real contribution when help is requested in other forums.
    I see one particular senior member has at least 3 pointless threads going, who CARES what others eat, I certainly DONT.
    Get a life and get out and give some help where it's needed
  9. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    @rundata----What you have stated is exactly what I am trying to get across in my post. There are now some senior members that make many useless posts. How did they become senior members, by making useless posts. In time they will become Addicts and still make useless posts. But letting them make these useless post as you say they should be allowed to do is what aggravates me. I like having fun as much as the next person but when that takes over the complete look of the forum as the number one thing to do then its time to do something about it. Its probably a good thing I don't have MOD under my name because I don't think I would have the patience that AD mods have with some members on here. I don't enter the games sections but have heard that part of the forum is a mess. Kids will be kids I guess. Too many changes in the last year.

  10. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    My suggestion to help curb unnecessary posts in the Safety Value for the purpose of building ones post count to achieve a higher member status...

    Senior Member

    Total Posts

    Safety Value

    You would know at a glance! <G>
  11. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi there Ted, its been a while. Your suggestion would help us tell those kinds of posters but their main objective is to get to the top of the hill, if you know what I mean. So to them it won't really matter how the post count is divided or shown. Thats my way of looking at it. I just think that certain forum areas (safety valve being the biggest one) should not count towards post count. There are a few other areas that should be grouped together and just not be counted. That way those that want to hang out there all day can do so but it won't pad their count.

  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    this is why i posted this earlier,
    my quote
    a simple way to do this is to see if drd can block the post count add if posted in this Safety valve board ...

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  13. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    @Ireland---I must of missed your post, but thats exactly whats needed. Once certain areas no longer count I think many of the junk posts would stop on their own.

  14. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    I like it. The thing is, the console forums are generaly a battleground for this type of stuff. As mik3h brought to my attention, some people do actually help in there, so they cannot remove the post counting from there, and subsequently, the n00bs can easily boost their post count/status.

  15. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    I am all for removing any post counts related to this forum.
    Had this been implemented a long time ago most of these POSTERS would STILL have newbie after their name.
    Make them earn Higher membership status.
    I'm sure if you put it to the vote then the only ones who would object KNOW WHO THEY ARE
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  16. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    @ gwen..did u get ur pc running right? -i agree membership should be based on post that help and not on mindless chatter. it would help if people would read a little before posting too.
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    lowering the post count is easy to do and changing them back to newbie..
    i have that option on my site

    i am sure drd has the same option..and its easy to check if all there posts to move up came out of this board.
  18. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    Ok I think this one has come to it's end. Most of the regulars have had their say. There's really no point in rambling on about it, as that only adds to the problem. We'll just keep on doing what we do and hope for the best.

    oh and Lethal..
    not on your BEST halloween toots ;)
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