trouble while in mIRC my first time........

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by mamaree, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    I went to and searched for something i wanted and went to the channel that had it and i see the user is in there however what do i type in in order to view his files and the commands to use to get it-i have been just waiting for it to appear however i am sure there is a way to get it-please help me thatnk you
  2. Mak10

    Mak10 Member

    May 1, 2003
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    /msg loader-xTx-008 xdcc send 1
    look around for this /msg ****** send
    when u find the sender u messege him and after the send you put the nimber of the file u want after the send part of this /msg-.........send 5
    if it was #5 that sounded confusing.. hope you can get something outa that
    Last edited: May 3, 2003
  3. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    mamaree - the files will be in the download folder unless they are mp3's, there's a folder for those too usually.
    ---when you request a pack from an xdcc bot, you need to look at that bot's ad, sometimes the syntax is /msg botname xdcc send #x (x being the pack #), and sometimes the syntax is /ctcp botname xdcc send #x - but you'll have to see the ad to know for sure - also if you see a bot with something you want on one of the search sites (packetnews, etc) find that bot in the channel's name list on the right side, then doubleclick the bot name nad type xdcc list, that should give you that bots pack listing with the complete ad, including the syntacx to get files from them.
    ---Mak10 - it wasn't that confusing, but i know what you are talking about so it might have been to others, the only thing i noticed was you forgot to put the # in the syntax, just putting /msg botname xdcc send 1 will not work, you gotta have it as #1 not just 1. man i sure hope i get this tutorial done soon, seems to be alot of confusion about IRC, and yes people, it is IRC not mIRC, mIRC is just a client for using IRC, like excursion, extreme, acid, illusion, torment, or any of the other hundreds of scripts out there. and kiddies, be warned, if you get a script with war tools in it, dont go playing with them on the networks or you are liable to upset a bunch of folks that know more about making your life hell online, whether you're in IRC or not. you dont want to know the true meaning of "we OWN joo". so, please be careful and keep your toys put away. I hold the #(edited) open on about every network i idle on, if you need help once yer in, come and see me._X_X_X_X_X_[small]Darthnip
    Too bad you can't buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out.

    Last edited: May 22, 2003
  4. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    thank you for all you help so far i am really starting to understand this-however i want to dl a movie with really good quality so i assume a 600 meg file for each part .tar file would be good-if i am assuming wrong please tell me, however i want to know how to view .tar files as i have never downloaded them before-thanks again
  5. Mak10

    Mak10 Member

    May 1, 2003
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    the size matters but you need to look for a screener , dvd-rip , or subbed.. thats where u find quality. if it says cam it means they took a camcorder in the theater..quality blows......look 4 some 1 with a chart on how to find out what the abriviations mean..or E-mail me and ill send it...
  6. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    thanks i found the movie i want and it says subbed in the name so i assume thats good quality but how to i view .tar files?
  7. Mak10

    Mak10 Member

    May 1, 2003
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  8. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    ok thanks but obviosuly its in english right?-just japanese subtitles right?
  9. Mak10

    Mak10 Member

    May 1, 2003
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  10. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    mainly i look for who released it for quality. i've seen screeners done very poorly, and i've seen cams that were perfect. subbed is not a good one to look for, they are just as easily cams if anything, all subbed means is that it has subtitles of another language, usually chinese or arabic or both. screeners are taken directly from the screening dvd or vhs tape, TS or telesync is done with a good quality camera and a seperate audio source, sometimes they are really good other times they suck alot of normal cams are labeled as telesync nowadays due to so many n00bs coming in and getting into the scene, TC or telecine are taken either directly from the film reels and seperate sound source then mixed, or done with a very high quality cam in an empty theater and sound feed digitally thru the projection setup. cams are simply done with digital cameras, sometimes horrible, sometimes great. you really never know what you are going to get unless you look for dvdrip or screener, which is why i would stick with the release groups that are known for very high quality (centropy). But since downloading movies is illegal, this discussion is purely hypothetical, based on what one would do if there were such a place to get these things.
    Last edited: May 3, 2003
  11. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    is esoteric a good to get movies from?-most releases seem to be from them i looked for centropy but they don;t seem to have many movies
  12. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    yeah esoteric is good, i look for those when i cant get centropy.

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