Hey Fasfrank. Was on one of the other threads with you . Haven't tred Hulk yet. Holiday seasons dont leave me with much free time. On this compression % thing. As you said I like the biggest number showing possible. When you decrypt with shrink 3.0b a dvd under say 4.4gig that needs no shrinking. the percent shows 100% meaning no compression. The way everyone else is doing the math it would show 0% meaning no compression. I'm pretty sure if it shows 65% you are only missing 35% not the other way around. Jerry
Hi Jerry, Yes you are right. No compression will be 100%... let me go out on a limb and say that if it indicated 80% then that would be 20% compression or the title in question decreased in size by 20% and is now at 80% of it's original size. I may be wrong lol
Not for long though, then you need to be right twice a week. I was a newbie untill about three days ago then by some unknown mechanisim (to me) I was "promoted" to junior member! Maybe just the number of posts and not the content in my case.
I don't know how that works either, never checked on it. I'll just keep my nose clean and help when I can. I just remember to only be right once a week for now. later Jerry
Hello all, I read with great envy the troubles with coping "Nemo" and "The Hulk" I wish I had your problems.Where do you get these current type movies from?It takes me 30 minutes to download one lousy song via the net how many years to download a movie or do they come from somewhere else??loved to hear about it.
Thanks fasfrank, funny we were just talking about that last night. Then this morning at work, I sign on to the forum and see I got a boost upward. Thanks to everyone involved. Jerry