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TUTORIAL: How to FTP...Made EASY!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by tEChniiQue, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. jjrbkab

    jjrbkab Member

    Dec 2, 2005
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    i extracted the rar files like you said and it made it another rar file but alot bigger. before i extracted it, it was 47 mb. after i extracted that one file it turned it into a 4.7 gig rar. i don't get it. and that was just one of 57 rar files. when i'm done extracting them all i'd have like 240 gigs in rar format like when i started. i'm so confused. could you please help me.
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Double click (LEFT) on that file and it should open containing the file you are try to extract. Left click and drag that file to your deskptop and it should begin to automatically transfer.
  3. Jack007

    Jack007 Guest

    Thank you all for helping,have finally transfered the files over to my PC & used Craxton to create an ISO etc.
    Merry Christmas.....
  4. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    You're very welcome. I'm glad it worked out for you. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and that your New Year is even better!!!
  5. PC_09

    PC_09 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    Will someone please help me. I've been up for hours at the computer trying to get this stupid thing to work.

    I'm having this problem:
    connecting to XBOX
    connected to XBOX
    connection failed (connection lost)

    my setup is I have my computer and xbox both plugged into my linksys router which is plugged into my DSL.

    Subnet mask:

    Subnet mask:

    and i have windows firewall turned on, bu it is in the exceptions list.

    I've looked everywhere for a solution, but I can't find one. I know it probably has something to do with a router setting or firewall setting, but ive tried everything.
    Will be eternally grateful.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2005
  6. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    If you haven't already; Try enabling DHCP. No it's not mandatory, an xbox and or PC could be static over a routers network but DHCP is a more simple way to ocnfigure the connection.

    As far a Windows Firewall, it should not be an issue as long as your FTP client is listed as an exception, and you said it is. However, other software could cause conflict with similiar capabilities as Windows Firewall (i.e. Zone Alarm).

    -> Make Sure DHCP is enabled on your PC and your XBOX
    -> Once done on each system, shut that system down
    -> Reset your Router by unplugging for a few secs, then replug it in
    -> Turn on your PC and XBOX
    -> Attempt to FTP

    It should give you success. If you're already running DHCP, just follow everything below what I wrote and hopefully you'll have better results.
  7. PC_09

    PC_09 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    dhcp is on on all the devices hooked up to the router because of the router's settings right?

    if not, please tell me how to enable dhcp on the computer and the xbox.

    Another question, do I have to have my xbox modded or have another dashboard installed to ftp, because I have the original dashboard and no mod-chip.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2005
  8. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    [bold]No.[/bold] DHCP is a service, when enabled a device on a network that is set for DHCP will automatically be assigned an IP via the router. I have a network with a LinkSys router that has 2 PC's, a Laptop, and a modified XBOX. Currently only the XBOX has a Static IP and one of the PC's (although the network has DHCP enabled) only the PC and laptop have obtained IP automatically because that's the setting I've given them.

    The tutorial in my link will aid you in setting up a working FTP connection. How to FTP...Made Easy!! If you haven't manually setup a Static IP on a device (i.e. PC, XBOX, etc.) odds are it's set to obtain an IP automatically (DHCP).


    [bold]EDIT[/bold] Wat you edited in wasn't there before I started to reply...It doesn't have to be a modchip. It can be a softmod and will work just as good. So if your XBOX is not modded, disregard everything I typed...you won't be able to FTP until that process is done. Sorry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2005
  9. PC_09

    PC_09 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    wold you please real quickly explain to me what a softmod is or send me a link to a page that explains it.
  10. PC_09

    PC_09 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    nevermind, I found a page on yahoo and it explains how to soft mod an xbox with the use of a usb flash card and mechassault.
  11. PC_09

    PC_09 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    Oh, for anyone who's interested, Ifound a torrent at torrentspy.com that explained how to softmod you're xbox for free, although you have to take the cover off. You unplug the ribon to yor xbox hardrive from your xbox and plug up the one to your computer. just follow the link thats in the description of the torrent( you don't even have to open the torrent). I'll try to find the link to the page and postt it.
  12. jmn4you2

    jmn4you2 Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    ok. my problem with flash xp is i cant transfer any games with files with "data" or maps ie halo2. iam using a switch to conect pc to xbox any help please
  13. Ohword

    Ohword Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Hi There.

    Even with such an indepth Tutorial I still can't get CuteFTP to recognize the connection to my xbox.

    I am using a crossover cable, and entered all the info on my dash as I saw it through "ipconfig/all"

    When I go to connect, CuteFTP gives me this error:
    The connection failed due to an error or timeout.

    "1) Verify that the destination host name or IP address is correct.
    2) Increase the connection timeout threshold under Global Settings | Connection.
    3) Switch to the opposite data connection type (PASV or PORT) under Site Settings | Type tab."

    Where am I going wrong?
  14. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Did you create a Static IP for both your PC's LAN connection being used and the XBOX. Both connection must have static IP addresses and they "MUST" be different.
  15. imabadboi

    imabadboi Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Ok I've read every single freakin tut on here and xbox scene as well as a few from google and I've followed them all to the t. I swear! I went out and bought a brand new ethernet card and a new crossover cable. Downloaded FlashFXP and input the following:

    Site Name: Xbox
    I.P. Address :
    User Name : Xbox
    Password : Xbox

    went to option and disabled passive mode (because I have evox) I went into my evox softmod dash and went into settings and input the following

    Setup Network: Yes
    Use Static I.P.: Yes
    DefaultGateway: Blank
    Setup Delay: 0
    Skip Setup If No Link: No

    Under Ftp I got the following

    Enable: Yes
    Password: Xbox

    Telnet is not enabled and neither is RDTools

    I then go to FlashFXP again and select apply and connect and I get the following error everytime

    Connecting to Xbox-> Port=21
    Connection Failed (Connection Refused)
    Delaying for 120 secs.

    So I tried Pinging it through the command line and it pings at 100%
    I am getting really pissed off!! I mean I just dont get why it's not working!?!?!? I'm on dial-up internet and it took me forever to download all the programs i needed but i stuck it out and now this. Do I have to set up the new Ethernet card or something? What am I missing guys. Please HELP ME!!!!!

    I also have never been on xbox live before because I have dial-up and I just assigned an I.p. address will that pose a problem?
  16. jjrbkab

    jjrbkab Member

    Dec 2, 2005
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    did you disable your security settings? thats what i had to do.
  17. jjrbkab

    jjrbkab Member

    Dec 2, 2005
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  18. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    If you read every tutorial you must have missed one small part as well as the last few answers I've given in this thread. Connecting to your PC directly calls for [bold]BOTH[/bold]the PC LAN connection you're uaing and the XBOX to have Static IP's assigned to them. If that's what you did...you:

    Didn't list what your LAN connetion's static IP was.
    Didn't add a default Gateway which is needed.

    First, you need to setup a static IP for your PC's LAN connection being used. ot sure how, follow this guide: http://www.portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm
    Just select your O/S and follow the steps.

    Then go through and create an IP on your XBOX similiar to the one you've found on your PC "based off the tutorial" as well as the Default Gateway & Subnet Mask.

    For example, and [bold]only as an example[/bold]...your setup may look like this:
    PC's LAN Connection:

    XBOX Setup:
    Set Static to YES

    Once again, it's just an example, but the similiarities between the numbers should be the same. By that, I mean the only thing that should be different in the end are the IP addresses. If not, they will conflict and not connect.
  19. rccland

    rccland Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    i m using XBOX MEDIA CENTER earlier in the forum it explained how to FTP using various programs except XBOX MEDIA CENTER so i m asking can somone please guide me through the steps on connecting my PC using FTP.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  20. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Well with XBMC everything mention above is the same. It's it's direct connection you will need to use a crossover cable, connect directly and follow that protion of the guide. If you're using a router, then follow that section. Leave everything as DHCP if you're using a router, it makes it so much easier for your first time.

    Now for the difference.
    *Use the "Create Network" wizard in windows.
    *Once created, right click on the drive/folder you want XBMC to access on your computer,
    *go to properties and set it as shared.
    *Go into XBMC.
    *Click any category such as Videos or Music (for example).
    *You will see in the navigation "Workgroup (SMB)".
    *Click it.
    *Then you should see what your Network name is, it'll be whatever you named it during the netowrk setup on your PC.
    *Then you should see the name of your PC
    "Just continue to navigate in the same fashion and you should end up seeing the folder/drive you decided to share back in the setup phase.

    If it's an .avi you want to watch, just click it and it will play on your TV over your network. Or you could use an FTP client to just transfer info now that your connection/network has been established.

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