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TUTORIAL: How to FTP...Made EASY!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by tEChniiQue, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. babyboy19

    babyboy19 Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    I need Help add me to msn if u think u can help me removed
    please and thx
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  2. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    viky2j- Ok, the one thing I would try is to disable your firewall. Sure you said that you enabled these programs in the firewall, but FTP requires two connections, the control connection and the data connection. It's totally possible that your firewall is still filtering the data connection, and that that is the problem you are having.
    To test that your connection is in fact working, hook up your cables and try to ping the xbox. Launch the command line, and type ping and hit enter. Oh, if it's not a typo your xbox mask needs to be
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  3. garrgh

    garrgh Guest

    ok i need help. I cant connect to My xbox using Flash fxp I use a d-link 604 router. I use Evox dashboard and DHCP.
    XboxIp is
    Gateway is

    Here is what it says on Flash Fxp:

    [R] Connecting to Xbox -> IP= PORT=21
    [R] Connected to Xbox
    [R] 220 Please enter your login name now.
    [R] USER xbox
    [R] 331 Password required for xbox.
    [R] PASS (hidden)
    [R] 230 User xbox logged in , proceed.
    [R] SYST
    [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
    [R] FEAT
    [R] 502 feat is not implemented.
    [R] REST 100
    [R] 502 rest is not implemented.
    [R] This site may not allow file resuming
    [R] PWD
    [R] 257 "/" is current directory
    [R] TYPE A
    [R] 200 Type set to ASCII.
    [R] PASV
    [R] 502 pasv is not implemented.
    [R] PORT 192,168,0,101,4,171
    [R] 425 Can't open data connection to
    [R] List Error
    [R] PASV
    [R] 502 pasv is not implemented.
    [R] PORT 192,168,0,101,4,172
    [R] 425 Can't open data connection to
    [R] List Error
    [L] List Error
    [L] PASV
    [L] 502 pasv is not implemented.
    [L] PORT 192,168,0,101,4,175
    [L] 425 Can't open data connection to

    and it keeps doing that i Really need help. I Have used the thirtty day trial and it only has twleve days left till is ceases to function, but its not Flash FXP becasue i get the same error in SmartFtp. I would gladly appreciate some help. It Let me get in less than 2 days ago. Please Help Me!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2006
  4. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    You probably have the same problem. I can tell by this log that your connection is working fine, but you are unable to establish the data connection. Try disabling your firewall to see if that works. Once you get the FTP going you can worry about fixing the firewall so it plays nice.
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    3rd / babyboy19 -

    no email addresses, Forum Rules are in my sig
  6. mazin91

    mazin91 Guest

    I connected a ethernet cable to my router to connect and it wont work . I have wireless Internet and THe FTP still doesn't work It keeps on saying Connection Failed(lost)
    All my inf oIS right but it doesnt work
    Somebody Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Jawbone22

    Jawbone22 Guest

    Hello... this is a great tutoral... and i have followed it to the T (and double checked it) the only problem is i cant get it to work... is there ne way you can give me some more tips... I am using a static ip and a cross-over cable and all i get from Flash FXP is cannot connect will retry in 120sec. my xbox actully has 2 dashboards on it EvolutionX and UnleashX. evolution runs with normal power up and unleash runs if you open the tray on boot up... but i have made ALL for the settings what they need to be to ftp to either dash and still no workie... ? ne suggestions?
  8. joetogo57

    joetogo57 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    thats the same problem i have
  9. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    What FXP is telling you is that it can't connect. So, either some of your settings are not correct, or there may be an issue with your firewall blocking the connection from happening correctly. Try disabling the firewall first and hopefully you get lucky and that's the problem.
    If that doesn't work, post your IP address from your PC, the subnet masks info, all that good stuff, and give the same info for the settings you are using on your xbox. And also be sure that you are using a crossover cable. Too many people make that mistake.
  10. lopro21

    lopro21 Member

    Mar 11, 2006
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    Sorry for the newbie questions but does your xbox have to be chipped to be able to use FTP or is it just a different method? If i can set it up, which seems to be a mission can i just put games from my pc onto my xbox throught Flashfxp? Thanks for your time.
  11. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Nope, must be modded either with a chip or via softmod. Even if you could FTP without the mod, the xbox wouldn't play the games anyway.
  12. chongke

    chongke Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    where it says

    TYPE - Static (i cant make mine STATIC, mine is empty..)
    IP - mine is empty

    But at the bottom where it says USE STATIC IP - Mine also says YES
    Also Where it says IP, Mine has an IP but at the top its empty

    Could this be the problem why i cant FTP my xbox to PC??
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2006
  13. d2rights

    d2rights Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    all the pictures to the front of this topic are down is anyone going to fix this
  14. west900

    west900 Member

    May 12, 2006
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    ok well quick question i have my xbox modded and a new computer, I have the program flash FXP. So far 1st I created a new site Put in my ip address from the xbox the username and password but nothing else. O I also put static IP on threw system settings on my XBOX
    Then i hit the thunderbolt or connect it said "Connection Failed now Route to host"

    It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could inform me if you know I have missed certain steps.
  15. theridges

    theridges Guest

    are you going through a router or using internet connection sharing???
    because if your going through a router the ip adress should be set to dhcp not static.....it will be alot easier if you do it this way...
  16. omar3333

    omar3333 Regular member

    Jun 17, 2006
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    hey guys i need your help. im not sure if i have a dashboard installed on my xbox, as my uncle gave me the xbox and his friends friend modded it and everything. when i turn on my xbox, a blue screen pops up saying "www.xodus.com", then the original xbox thing comes but after it does its little thing the word "xecuter2" pops up under the xbox logo. im kind of confused here because im pretty sure xecuter2 and xodus are both modchips so...yea...can someone tell me if i have a dashboard on my xbox and where to get a good one if i dont? thanks,

  17. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you have an xodus chip but the xecuter 2 bios running...after all that pops up does it send you to the normal green m$ dash your somewhere else??
  18. omar3333

    omar3333 Regular member

    Jun 17, 2006
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    after the exectuter2 thing happens if theres no game in it it just goes to the normal xbox thing you know with the system info and memory and clock, stuff like that so now i understand! i have the xecuter2 bios and xodus chip thanks a lot theridges! could u tell me where i could find a good dashboard, im looking for evoX and could u tell me how to make a backup of my original xbox dashboard, incase i screw anything up? thanks again,

  19. omar3333

    omar3333 Regular member

    Jun 17, 2006
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    oh and 1 more question. say i want to ftp my xbox to my computer, but i dont want to put games on the xbox HDD i just want to use the xbox D:/ drive and make a backup of that game. my question is would i need a diferent dashboard to have a working connection between my xbox and computer, even if i dont want to transfer games to the xbox?ty,

  20. theridges

    theridges Guest

    get the auto installer deluxe disc and install unleash x on your xbox..

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