on the money Tony.... @ Pat - new TVs sold in Ireland have the mpeg4 tuner built into em, my tv picks up the chans and the EPG at present, but nothing is displayed in way o0f a programme
Yes tony_1 old CRT TVs still work to day,That because the TVs Stations are still broadcasting the 625 lines to date as well as the new 1080 lines as well. AS soon as they shut down that service your old tv won't work ,it bin time for it. Was the same in the past when RTE switched over from the 405 lines here to the 625 lines, televisions that could not change to the new 625 were bin. NOTE: WHEN they switch off the anolog service here in Ireland & the UK. YOUR old set will still work if u connect a digital box to it as so long as the TVs Stations brodcast on the 625 lines along with the 1080 lines, Alot of TVs stations are talking of switching this off in the near future.& i think it going to be the same with these TVs we have to date,IF they can't be download new software & up load new hardware to these new TVs we have, ? we might be in trouble.MICKAH Does not think so ,BUT I THINK SO ON THAT.IF these tvs companys does not use backward Technology like they use in the sat boxes step down in res. from 1080p /1080i/720p/576p to suit your TVs we have.BUT if they go to the new 2,050 lines only then we have a problem i think with no step back in res.& WE Can't upgrade the software& firmware(hardware) to on today TVs.MICKAH MAY BE RIGHT ON WHAT HE SAYS ,But we all have to wait & see who right on that, any lads the works in the trade ,if u can give any INPUT TO THIS Matter to put us right on this. canon_7.
Canon, I have seen TVs working still from the 70's!!! so your conclusion that when the change happens or doesnt happen that TV's wont work doesnt hold water, as I explained to you a TV will display to its limits thats about it. so if they transmit in full 1080 or higher, your tv will only display it in 625 lines, like a monitor on a PC, you can play HD via the PC but it wont display them in HD, only at the limit of the monitor. They can higher the reslotion up all the want, your TV will only display what it is made to do. I really think you are believing the "Bulshit" Bingo that goes around with this type of technology and I can hear the till ringing in powercity very soon.
Well Thanks for that MICKAH, i like u are hoping to still have my Samsung Led Tv for a lease another 5 to 8 years or more at lease on that. ILL will Wait for the new 4,000 lines TVs if & when it is put on the Market BY 2017 or 2018 & when the broadcasting stations start using this new Ultra lines res. Only then i will change my TV. Set OK.MICKAH.
Show me a standard 625 line TV that can display a 1080 line signal. They don't exist. Yes technically one could be made, but no standard definition tv's accept a HD signal and downscales it, HD TV's accept both, but standard TVs will not work with a HD signal. If SD is turned off, all those tv's that dont do HD will not work. Of course TV's from the 70's still work, PAL was invented in 1967 and is still used today and probably will be for a long time. I dont think they are going to turn off SD any time soon, but to say that SD tv's would still work if SD was turned off is incorrect.
Like 3r1c was saying MICKAH, THESES Plasma's Lcds /Leds TVs to date. will show resolution of PAL> 625/lines & up to PAL> 1080 Lines (SD/HD)because they are made to show those resolution >(ONLY) OLD TVs > CRTs can only display a pal 625 lines only (max) Now there are a few type CRTs on the market and i say a few mind u that are FLT/SD/HD I HAVE SEEN IN Curry's store in Liffey Valley Dublin over a year or 2 ago, that can show 625 lines up to 1388x1080i Lines Resolution only.Sets today displays resolutions of 1376x720- 1388x1080i - 1920x1080p & 2250x1080p (MAX ONLY )AND What i was saying to u MICKAH Was if any new type of higer resolution type TVs comes along above these resolution on the market to date . I don't think our tvs will work, won't be able to match the Resolution of those new type sets to come in the near future ( lines of 2,050 & lines of 4,000 resolution. computer are a diffence kettle of fish than the nonmal type of TVs we have,i think they can move from lower resolution to very high resolution on their screens. so we will leave it at that for now >OK MICKAH.
AND I FORGOT TO SAY WAS ,They might be able to put new software in to these sets we have today in the near future to increase the resolution to match the higher res./sets that will come on the market in three years or so. Just to check on the new 3D TVs to come out soon & i ask them about my TV & will it work on the new 3D system HE SAID NO.YOU WILL NEED A NEW TYPE TV WITH A IN PHASE 3D PANEL TO SHOW IT.Sony is bringing out one soon MID YEAR.2010 I Won't be buying it. over €2000.I don't think it will catch on.Maybe i might be wrong> wait & see. that all i am saying onthis matter.
The only thing stopping TV's from long ago being compatible with HD is the connection from device to TV. I am with Mickah here totally because I know for a fact HD will broadcast just perfectly fine on any SD TV and will only broadcast what it is capable of it is a simple 'downconversion' not in the technical computerised sense but it will simply only display the max resolution like when you hook up a Sky HD box to a SD Tv through SCART.
canon, you brought it up and I asnwered it, so no, I wont leave it, you are way off the mark with what your saying, no TV will be come defunct due to resolution lines, IT WILL ONLY DISPLAY WHAT IT IS CAPABLE OF, can you not understand that! you need to do your home work, actually mate, just go up to Powercity now and buy the latest one as you have convinced yourself, you mention 3D, of course your TV wont work and show 3D cause this is a totally different beast altogether and rightly as you mention, a new set is required, but when it comes to higher res signals being broadcast, you are way off the mark on that one @ 3r1c Where did I say a standard TV will display 1080 line signal? I said it will display it at the resoltion it was made for, so if its a 625 tv, thats what it will display it in If I hook up a bluray PS3 and play a blu ray film on a standard CRT TV will it display in HD 1080p on my TV? no it wont, so does that make the TV defunct? no it doesnt. If use a upscaler on a HD cable box, will it display HD or near HD on a standard TV, no it wont, its the same logic as above, the TV will, guess what, yep will display it to its highest resoltion, will the TV be defunct, no it wont.
YES MICKAH I SEE WHAT U MEAN,IN whatI AM saying to u is. Just say the tv station is sending out 2,500 lines resolution in what i am saying is yes my tv reciver will put it in to a 1080 lines. because that the maxs of the tv resolution that i got. But what the point looking at a 1080 lines will not be that good a picture compered to a tv with 2,050 lines or a 4,000 lines resolution tv to come out one day, so to get a better picture i will have to buy that tv if i want that 2,050 resoltuion that all i am saying to u. & YES THERE ARE A FEW CRT STYLE TVs that where sold in HD a couple of years ago (Total flat screen to they where in 625/1080i only pal.
No one has yet mentioned the driving force behind technological improvements - it's simply economics. 405 tv was the best it could be in its day limited by available technology and was originally only one channel. After the public bought into the concept further channels were introduced funded by advertising revenue (rather than the licence fees as per the BBC model). These were all VHF channels so available channel space was limited and quickly filled up. To add further channels meant moving to UHF. At the same time picture resolution could be increased because of greater bandwidth of each channel and other technical improvements to both sound and picture - enter 625 line black and white TV. 405 was not abandoned because the licence fees came from that consumer base, also advertising on ITV was targeted at that consumer base. Futhermore there was only one 625 UHF channel (BBC2) so the original UHF sets were in fact dual standard 405/625 sets. If you understand the difference in technology between these two standards, you will unserstand the nightmare involved in producing these hybrid sets. With the introduction of colour TV, the original b/w tv was not abandoned for the same economic reasons as already stated. Also at this change new "colour only" channels were not introduced. Instead through the magic of interleving the colour information with the b/w information by using a chroma subcarrier the same channel was used to supply service to both colour tv sets and b/w tv sets (hooray for PAL). Satellite TV did not cause the end of terrestrial transmission, we just used set top decoders. Hi def TV has been around for years but there has been a slower than expected uptake by the public because of the price differential. Over the years the buy-in price for TV ownership has been steadily falling - consider the price of a TV in the late 1950's, a 405 line set was the same price as a Morris Minor 1000 motor car! I wish I could buy today's small car for the price of a standard def TV set! HD presented a huge leap in ownership cost compared to standard def, hence the slow uptake. Without a broad customer base to target advertising, the broadcasters will not invest in new cameras, studios, OB vans, etc. etc. in order to produce the new material. According to most market research the uptake of HD was not eventually driven by better quality programmes from broadcasters, but by affordable consumer handycams that can record in hi def. The owner wants to watch litle Johnny playing school soccer recorded for ever in brilliant HD, so buys a new HD TV as well as the handycam. Once there was significant consumer interest, there was a demand for better quality transmitted programmes, which is when the broadcasters invested in new equipment (at a very considerable cost). So even if Super Hi Def 3D TV becomes a reality it is unlikely to take off quickly unless the same technology can be used in affordable consumer source equipment to drive the consumer buy-in , which is unlikey right now. You can hang on to your old TV for a good few years yet, safe in the knowledge that the broadcaster will not turn his back on you and abandon his income stream simply because bigger and better is available.
Canon if you read back your thread mate, you started saying it was a con and that old TVs will be defunct, this is not true, the basis of what I have been trying to tell you throughout this thread, that this is not a correct statement, now above you are saying to get a better picture you will need a better res TV, I never debated that, I agree with you on that, want the res and to display it, you will need a set that will do this, but this is not the argument you presented at the start, you said all old TVs even 1080 res TVs will become defunct if they broadcast in this super de dooper res, this is not the case as I mentioned, they will display it, but not in the super de dooper in which it is broadcast, that is what I debated with you. Now if you want to buy into the marketing etc etc, then you have proven that you need it and indeed you buy into the "con". I can hear the till ringing already
To keep selling tellys and associated AV equipment at the same rate they need to keep improving technolgy. I've disposed of 3 CRT TVs in the last 6 months which were all working perfectly, its just that I wanted to upgrade to bigger screens that take up less space.
its a shame when you think about it, as the pic quality on a 100htz CRT is second to none, really is, but the LCD / LED / Plasma space saving is excellent, i was able to transform my living room due to removing the CRT in favour of a LCD, but you are quite right technology or selling points will always be "now with 20% more clarity" or some shite like that, when in reality you prob wont even see the differance, more of a placebo effect if you will.
THANK LADS for all ur input on this. I won't be going after the new 3D TV when it comes on the market or the New super 2,050 line Tv in three or four years time.BUT ILL wait till THE Big thing on TVs come on the market in 2017 or so ,the big resolution 4,000 line so called Ultra HD Doing the rounds in Japan now. That if our National TV Stations here in Ireland & the UK is going to use it or go for the lower resoution (2050 Lines)instead. SO i hold my LED/LCD Samsung super slim 40inc, until then.
now yer on the ball Canon (tips hat) save yer money until its something that really tips the scales for ya and you will really benefit from parting with yer cash
OK. thanks,MICKAH /I have a Technomate TM-6900HD COMBO Super+ & Terrestrial Blind scan satellite receiver with a software patch. so i have as u know from this patch i have plenty of sat-tv stations i should not have(?) on ASTRA 1/Hotbird/Sirus 2/Thor 707-2/3.in English language + many more to.My sat-receiver has 25 Named Satellites stored in it.IT has two USB Ports>front & Rear.Now what i want to know from u ,if u can help me on this.I am looking for a good name brand Hard drive anything around a 350Gb or a 500Gb to Record in(SD & HD) from this sat-receiver. That will suit this model TM-6900HD Combo Super+. also has a External eSATA AT the REAR.WHAT IS this use for.USB Supply DC 5V Max 500mA. AS u know there are some types of hard drives that does not work to well with this unit.The only other thing i am waiting on now is a good blue ray Recorded ,But was told by them in Peats shop that it won't record hd from the Hi-Def tv only in SD.DUE TO HDMI-HDCP.I have a Sony Hd cam recorded MODEL Sr8hd-100Gb H/Drive built in to it/. i ask them will i be able to copy from my Sony Cam in Hd to the blue ray . and they said i might be able or not ,due to the software. on these early recorder that will been release soon ? /But may well work on later unit's/ SO I am not going to bye any of them till they can record in hd from tv & camcorder. If & when they go on sale in Ireland. OK.MICKAH.