Various tests going on...

Discussion in 'Forum announcements' started by dRD, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Nah, I don't really believe in subscription model, I prefer to keep information free for readers and make advertisers to pay the publisher's bills. I just think that "ad munchers" don't ever think this aspect when they decide that "oh my god, that 728x90 box with non-flashing, extremely well-targeted advertisements is really ticking me off and I think it is perfectly justified to remove it" that if everybody would do that, publishers wouldn't get any money and sites would either shut down or start charging for the content.

    Anyway, enough of this ranting. We don't take donations, we pay our bills with ads and are doing quite well.
  2. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    at least you guys can see them, initially when you incorporated them into the board i could see them.I havent changed any of the options on my pc but now i cant see them and i also have trouble seeing certain posts which have pics/gifs in them as well.
  3. ShadyBase

    ShadyBase Guest

    I would like the check sent to your mum :)
  4. cimerron

    cimerron Guest

    I noticed the adds when they first started. I hardly see them now. If they pay bills, more power to you.
  5. jsjpov

    jsjpov Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    I have run a website myself up untill recently, and I must admit that Google do actually appear to be one of the more consistant revenue generators around and my site couldn't have survived as long as it did without them. I must also add though that the placement is not good! If they were placed RIGHT at the bottom instead of having a post underneath them, I think they would fit in seamlessly...

    You know, if you were to choose the 'Leaderboard' style for the bottom of the pages, you would also get five ads instead of four in half the space...
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2005

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