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Video Card Thread (Mostly Gecube x1950xt)

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Waymon3X6, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Boozer (btw call me harv for short) can I call you that (like shaff does) or not?

    Abuzar, I'm trying to watch your cricket movie - it won't open. Are you serious, 2nd most popular sport in the friggin world - right after soccer?? (shaff calls it footy - I'm learning all kinds of jargon on this forum - dogems, footy, pretty soon none of my yank buddies will have any idea what I'm talking about Lol)

    Well, look, cricket led to baseball, right? You guys were playing cricket, like what, hundreds of years ago, and we yanks changed it up a little bit and made baseball, right?

    I don't know where we came up with football (our brand) when the entire rest of the world plays soccer.

    In fact Miles (the valve animator - he just told me what is doing right now is modelling the L4D characters - the biker and the rich girl - Valve decided they don't want the 4 characters - there's the bank manager, and the war veteran also - to look so battle-hardened - they want them to be more identifiable when you go on a server and play the game - out by end of the year supposedly) played AYSO soccer as a kid. They won the local championship, then the next one, then went all the way to San Diego before losing. I like soccer a lot. (But I don't think I'll ever call it footy, because . . . well that just sounds gay. :) - just kidding shaaf!)

  2. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    footy is a nickname for football (soccer) so i use it so i wont confuse the americans by saying football :)

    the rest of the world calls football (soccer), football, but then the americans came and tryied to chaneg that. in america is called football due to the length of the ball tip to tip. all of the EU and southamerica use football, not to forget africa. (IICR asia (pakistan india certainly do) also call it football.

    yep cricket is insanely boring, unless your playing it, but im sure thats true of MOST sports.

    btw more UK slang for you. we say coloUr and flavoUr, we use mate alot (instead of friend) and normally say m8 to shorten it.

    also schedule is pronounced shedule, NOT skedule, :)

    and its ADDult, not Udult. (pronunciation of adult) also prioritise has an "s" NOT a "z". aslo its not Zee, its ZED. u took our language, STOP BUTCHERING IT, or call it american. :D

  3. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    The cricket link opened. I watched 9:55 - nine minutes and 55 seconds - of cricket bowling by that Australian guy. What are the rules of that sport? You try to spin the ball into the 3 vertical sticks behind the batter? :O

    And Holy Moly. The batter never really hardly ever swings the bat - it's mostly just used to block the bowling ball.

    I don't think I need any more cricket until 2011.

    No wonder we yanks had to change it up and have people actually swing, hit the ball, hit home runs, run the bases.

    This is the second biggest sport in the world??!! Could that actually possibly be a true statement??!! Abuzar, my respect for you goes up immeasurably, because you have to have the patience of a saint to enjoy that game IMO LOL.

    Yeah, and if it's really true - I'll tell you why it's the second biggest sport in the entire world - that's because you Brits colonized the entire bloody world, that's why. Not cause it's a good game!! LOL

    Just kidding Abuzar - like Sam and shaff say - individuality. (Sam sincerely means it, shaff doesn't :) If I had a clue as to what was going on (and had never been exposed to games that are actually fun to watch) I might appreciate it a bit more :p
  4. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Thanks Shaff, while you were schooling me, I was being tortured worse than waterboarding for 9:55 exactly.

    "Zed?" You have got to be kidding me! You mean you guys can't even get the letters of the alphabet right? It's not enough that you drive on the wrong side of the road and fill your cars with petrol - whatever that is. Hah Hah
  5. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    BTW shaff, I missed a couple of posts back there on the last page. If you're going to the helicopter with the mg in it, you're heading too far to the right - in fact I would say you're heading down the center - that's why you're running out of time!!

    Way too many guys to do that as you're finding out. What worked well for me was to head left as soon as you cross the field and get to that road up on top - just hook totally left. When you get all the way to the left fence you'll have to kill a couple of guys - and you'll probably be way ahead of your team - no problem. Then send those jets to bomb the hell out of everybody, forget your team, stay on the left and head down the hill to where you can jump the fence above the steep bank.

    Just before you jump there's another damn group coming up below you as I recall, so more bombs, jump, and plunge down the hill and don't look back. You'll be there with a minute to spare and the dudes down there are providing cover! Don't forget to climb into the plane. :D

    Sam, mile high club??? What? I don't remember any COD4 mission like that. ??
  6. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    ITS OUR LANGUAGE, you americans were lazy and butchered it! HAHHAHA :D

    and yes PETROL, NOT GAS, as its a LIQUID not a GAS.

    and cheers for the tips, ill try it :)
  7. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    You know why they didn't swing that bat? Because Shane Warne KEPT ON GETTING THEM OUT!!! There was nothing they could do lol! Here watch some more of this. I've been to Cricket games and I've been to Red Sox games. By FAR the most exciting part of the Baseball games was the fireworks. And BTW, we do a LOT more hitting in Cricket. The only reason Baseball was made was because Cricket was too long and people had to work.

    One of the first baseball game was against a Cricket team who never played the sport before. The Cricket team EASILY destroyed them at their own sport. I play Cricket and I have played baseball(and on occasion Football, and no Shaf I was NOT talking about American Football lol) and I have to say baseball is VERY easy compared to Cricket.

    Anyway, if you want to see a bit more exciting Cricket, watch this. It's short ;)


    And yes you can call me boozer(even though my name IS Abuzar), I suppose it's better than azubar or whatever shaf and his dyslexic keyboard comes up with lol.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  8. Waymon3X6

    Waymon3X6 Regular member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    Hey guys! Man I can't believe this thing is still going! Well anyways, maybe we can get back on topic so they don't close this legendary 1500 post thread.
  9. DInc

    DInc Regular member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Yeah. XD
    What if I wouldn't have found and bought the GeCube hu. 8| :p
    Or if you wouldn't have started this thread. :O :p

    But I think it still always hangs around videocards.
    It will straighten out.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  10. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Well we DO have a stickied graphics card thread. so it's kinda irrelevant now, so we can off topic lol.

    P.S. Ray, my PC is gonna kick your PC's ass at the low price of 800 dollars. :)
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    If I remember rightly, Baseball originated from Softball or Rounders, not cricket...
    As far as the word 'petrol' goes. We have gas, and it's for cookers and central heating, why have two completely different fuels and give them the same name?

    'Mile high club' is the mission right at the end, after the credits. Did you not do it?
    Abuzar: Then you need to make 20,000+ in 3dmark06. Get to it! :)
  12. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    They call it gas, because that's what it's converted to in the engine so it can actually burn and move the pistons.

    And Baseball actually takes from both rounders as well as Cricket. The first baseball places were addition to Cricket clubs(yes there was a time when AMERICA was actually VERY good at Cricket).

    And, I'll try my best for the 20,000. I dont want to do a crazy suicide run like Ray. He put 1.65v through his CPU to get that score.
  13. Waymon3X6

    Waymon3X6 Regular member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    abuzar, what parts are you upgrading to for $800?

    Also, I am thinking of upgrading as well... A new case (lian li pc-p80) two more radiators (thanks to maxishine, a 220 and 360) and some other small goodies... The main thing will be two 4870s or two 4870x2's.... Gonna wait to see how the X2 performs first...
  14. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Hah, Shaf's dyslexic keyboard!! Ok "boozer" got it!

    No, Abuzar, good theory, but we call it gas, not because it becomes a gas (which is debatable anyway, because while it IS atomized when it goes through the injector or carburetor, I would argue it's still a liquid) but because gas is short for gasoline. But anyway you guys are right, because when we talk about the other kind of gas, we have to add the word natural, and then we say natural gas - so yes, I admit, it IS confusing, and petrol (petroleum) isn't a bad idea, I'll give you that.

    On the other hand "Zed" that's an awful idea for you guys to corrupt the names of the letters like that! :p

    OK boozer, I'm going to watch the new cricket link today out of fairness. You're right - the damn Aussie Shane Warne was so good that, from my point of view, there was virtually no action. That can happen in baseball too. You get a brilliant pitcher, like Sandy Koufax in his prime, and it's a complete batter-pitcher duel - strike strike strike. It's exciting, when that happens, only if you're already really into the game. For the uninitiated, it's like watching grass grow. "The most exciting part of a baseball game is the fireworks" Boozer, that's funny! (a**hole! . . . Just Kidding :)

    Sam, are you serious? - Mile High Club. There's a mission at the end after the credits?? Is it only unlocked on veteran?

    Please please please say no! Please just say, "No Rich, you can get to it on Hard. Just let the credits finish." ( -- whining like a little b*tch :)

    Because if I have to finish the game on veteran, that's going to take a friggin' month! On veteran, I am still trying to get to the launch room to upload the missile codes. I stopped playing the SP about 3 months ago. I think there is a glitch in how my game loaded. On Hard it would never save, and it was taking me f**ing forever.

    Then the next day all of a sudden it started saving more - like when the big round door slowly opens. All of a sudden that was a save point - but not the day before. And then when you enter the computer room, all of a sudden that also was a save point also - but not the day before!! This pissed me off!! I was running all over the f**ing room looking for the place I could enter the codes, and I ran out of time, and had to go all the way back to the beginning of getting through the 3-tunnel section.

    But like I say, the next day I turned it on - save points everywhere. So how do I fix my veteran - which is missing all the damn save points??? Maybe I'll google it and find out that other people also have had the same problem.

    Sam or any of you other COD4 guys - not you shaaf you're not at the end yet. If you went through on Veteran, do you remember having the save points - like I say, especially when that big round door is slowly opening, and the guy says - "You can't force it - you just have to wait" and the seconds are ticking off. Is that a veteran save point like it was on Hard (the second day I played, but not the first day.)

    Or is it part of the game coding, that if you get killed at least 20 times, does the game start adding a few more saves?? So I just have to play and die, play and die, ad nauseam, until they take mercy on me. I mean - it's a challenge to get the timing split second right - but it also can get a little boring after a while.

    That's what they do on Brothers in Arms. After you get killed a bunch of times, 3 times, having lost your entire squad a long time ago, and up against impossible odds, they give you the option of restarting in HEAL mode - you get full life and you get your squad back - thank f**ing god!

    Ray, where you been bud? Abuzar is right - you were on a near suicide run when you pulled that 20,000. Dual 4870s - yeah man, I'd like to see that happen!! You're going to get a lian-li case - sam just said those cases were very good, but extravagantly expensive. Here, let me find the quotes *searching* (like dinc)

    So what do you have to say about that, Ray?

  15. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Uh, oh Other people are having the same trouble:

    Yep - that's my problem. Who has the answer???

    shaaf - I came across a bunch of people who couldn't beat the tv station room - but I know how to beat that without much trouble, even on veteran, so if that becomes a b*tch later let me know.
  16. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    I'm screwed :(
  17. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    There's hope:

    "considering I did it on hardened" great, I'll play the Mile High on hardened, and to hell with veteran. Ok I'm good now. Thanks for telling me that I skipped a mission, Sam.
  18. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Actually, it is called gasoline, which is defined as a flammable liquid.......
  19. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    then i'll eat some humble pie :)

    and still ZED, ITS OUR LETTER, that you nicked, we didnt much it up, you did.

    and still "Heat", where im getting to the LZ is impossible on Vetran. i cant even get past he field unless i use ALL my air strikes on the waved of people, which are coming from BOTH fields, the one in front and on the right. its impossible, and when i do clear it, i go left, btu there are too many people.
  20. Waymon3X6

    Waymon3X6 Regular member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    harv, I have been on many other forums... I was surprised when I got an email telling me someone posted on this thread so I started following it for a while - English is very different over in the UK I guess...

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