If you are constantly worrying about your kids and what they are doing as they grow up, you'll be in a straight jacket by the time they are and have missed the best years of yours. You do the best you can without smoothering. The ones that are smoothered are the ones that go bezerk the first time they get their freedom. JM2C
I would LOVE to have this same conversation with you guys when you have children, and just think of the technology then. By the way, my kids don't go on porn, but my 11 year-old just went through that class that they give you in school about adolescence and puberty, so he tried to look up some stuff on the internet that he heard after class from some other kids and guess what kind of stuff popped up. Luckily I was right next to his computer at the time and just happened to look up before any serious damage was done. Then, after his dad came home and had a little chat with him, he's been good to go, but I now have that program on there to catch those words when they're entered in so my son doesn't accidentally come across something he doesn't need to be looking at.
if my kids wanted to porn themselves crazy, i'd be just fine with that. erotic photographs, videos, and literature don't do any damage, but only provide a safe outlet for sexual energies that could otherwise be expended dangerously at such a young age. and as for censoring words...that's just the forbidden fruit. the test of the child is to expose him/her to the most profane linguistics one can and see if the child's morality overcomes the negative influences.
Someone just help the guy if he wants to protect his kids from porn let him. Jeese If i had a kid i woulnd't want him/her looking at porn. Looking at porn will just get them obsessed and have higher expectations of people. its not like they are 14 15 16 17...... They are 11 and 10. Is it so bad that a father doesn't want his kids on porn sites. Besides don't you have to be 18 to use them legally. So really he is abiding the law
when someone who agrees with him that has the knowledge comes along, he will get help. but you're mostly going to find thread about how to get rid of this parental spyware, not add it. that's like coming here and expecting help on encrypting dvds so other people can't copy them. folks have done that and look at the results they get. we disagree on porn and laws. remember, though, that just because we're not helping someone obey the law doesn't mean we're breaking it, even if we don't agree with it.
The keylogging program can just about track down anything done on your computer. Be it keystrokes made, sites visited, screenshots, chats, conversations, emails, or even passwords. The keylogging program can help in monitoring children's activity for parents, restoring lost information, record which programs were open when particular keystrokes were made, undertake stealth monitoring on any individual (family member or employee), and even recall what you wrote or worked upon some time before in case you've forgotten. The log for the keylogging program is user-friendly. You pay once for the keylogging program, all updates for the keylogging program are free. Keylogging free programs are also available for download. http://keylogging-program.undetectablekeylogger.com/
When i was little(8,9)i would write secrets on pieces of paper about girls...Clumsy i was,I'd leave the papers on the floor in my bedroom on my desk.Meanwhile,my mother would collect these pieces of paper and put them in her draw because she found them cute and nice. One day,i found these peices of paper and felt like my mother was snoopy...She lost a little bit of my trust. At age 13,i had a pack of cigarettes in my room (hidden),my mother found them!this was pure proof that she snooped in my stuff when i wasn't there.The fact that she found the pack of cigarettes might be positive to y'all but to me it marked that i couldn't trust my mother. and i use to sense that she was snooping in my stuff... (this is just an example of a lot of similar instances) I was a bright kid that was neglected by my mother and father and it had negative consequences (screwed up at school).But most damaging of all was that my parents didn't care about me,i needed them to care and love me and in a way i did bad things to get there attention. I now have a very poor relationship with my mother and we have trouble communicating and talking to each other,And i think that somewhere the fact that she snooped in my stuff when i was younger might have stained are relationship but also the fact that she neglected us was damaging. If your kid(s)has good grades at school and isn't mixing with the wrong gang ,then snooping what she's doing might be pushing it,and lets not forget that if ever she were to find out your relationship with her could be changed completely. On the other hand,if your kid(s)has bad grades or good ones but mixes with the wrong people,or if you're worried about he or her,then maybe you might want to look into it.But don't just snoop because you feel like it.And for the porn sites,it's not a big deal,you need to talk about sex with your kid,just tell them what you think about porn.
@phantom69 And where and how long would you like the shackles to be?- installed along with the software. The more you deny someone something, even though they have no idea what that something is about, the more their curiosity is peaked. Think "Forbidden Fruit." This isn't about morals this thread is about PRIVACY? If a kid wants to see porn or anything, just because you lock his pc down, he'll find a "Little Johnny" friend whose pc is not, and they will look till their hearts content. If you have done your parenting right, then they will at least know what they are looking at and hopefully they will have had enough and move on to the next thing that you have denied them or that they want to explore. I am certainly not trying to put godess1 down at all. I know she is a concerned parent. And as a parent myself there is a fine line between "mothering and "smothering". You can't snuff out that initial flicker of curiosity. It may have killed the cat but learning cannot really progress without it. I'm starting to feel like Ann Landers. LMAO! JM2C.
Two things come to mind here: 1. If the kids are not doing anything that they shouldn't what do they have to hide? 2. My father used to say when you live in my house you go by my rules, if you don't like em move out! Trust works both ways and once lost is difficult to repair, kids need to remeber that also.
It depends on the kid. (I think Ripper would know what to do with a horny old...) But with a VERY young child I believe the PC doesn't belong in the bedroom. However, the dangers out there are not just for kids. Some of the dangers are FROM kids LOL. Has no one ever heard the term 'script kiddie?'
Shado36 That's like the government saying "we are going to tap everyones phone and place a camera in your living area and since you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear from the government" See a trend? The working word is still PRIVACY
And the paranoia spreads! LMAO How many wives and husbands have installed keystrokers on their mates pc??? Are you feeling lucky enough to surf tonight??? Only the Shadow knows: HA HA Ha Ha ha ha