i hope updateing fixes it -_- its my birthday and im gonna have to work on fixing my pc all day =( its not like it does it alot more like 2 times a whole day of 12 hrs of pc play but still id like to fix it =/
2700 and 3200 should work togeather fine, i used to have both types in my pc with no trouble. It sounds to me more like a windows problem than a hardware problem if your ram has checked out ok with those tests you did.
can you help me figure it out? please check this post someone posted about it but they seem tp have it more often then me but still http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic8913.html
yes it came with me pc http://www.walmart.com/catalog/prod...&dept=3944&path=0:3944:3951:41937:64213:64213
because that tech site you posted mentioned it might be sp2 is causing the problem. see if sp2 is in add/remove programs but doubt it
i cant really test if its fixed but i did seem to update all my update <i never did> never seen a reason to lets PRAY ill post back if it does it again =/ btw anyone played guild wars?
is there anyway to truely test if its fixed it only does it on internet explororer sometimes? is that cause i triggerd somthing if so how do i try it now?
try the same games & ie to see what happens. also check your motherboard at the can shaped objects that are capacitors to see if any are domed instead of flat topped
open the side panel so you can look at the motherboard. the can shaped capacitors should be flat topped not domed like a frozen can of pop
capacitors supply power to certain circuits on the motherboard so if 1 or more are domed, could cause your problem
bah i just go the error on internet exsplorer again >.< i quit that game it was messing up on but when i did play it it never messed up once after i updated windows maybe its just a flaw in the IE? or maybe its the google toolbar? it still doesnt do it all the time but i play guild wars and so far that error never poped up on that IE error? maybe it is the toolbar bah i thought it was fixed!
ok sence it only does it sometimes im thinking it maybe some kinda addon starting up when i goto certain sites? here my list of add ons http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=13778FPp2p&i=127261 http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=13778FPp2p&i=127262 but most of them seem normal any one spot somthn bad ? i disabled windows messanger cause i dont use it and for some reason that booted up when i open IE i donno if that was the problem find out if it ever does it <its way to random to try> only 3 of them boot when i open IE java, google, and messanger did.