Can't get to technical on dual layer cause limited knowledge there. But the laser has to adjust to burn to the 2nd layer. It may be losing intensity(?) reason it bombs when it hits the 2nd layer. For the ones that fail but still play in the pc - dvd drives are usually good at playing finalized discs - dvd players aren't so good at it.
myrothe, Post a new Nero log that was generated after you updated the f/w of your burner. I'm curious regarding how your media is coding out. I have a Sony burner, a DRU-800a that absolutely HATED anything Ritek(and no, binkie7, I have not tried burning Riteks on it since the cross-flash). That could be because Ritek DLs (& Ricoh) have a manufacturing problem with the transition to the second layer. This is with both the 2.4x & 4x media. I've gone to using only Verbatim DLs. I know they are more expensive than the Memorex & Ritek, but when I factor in the cost of the coasters, the Verbs are a better deal.
Will do. However after a suggeston I recieved (on a video games chatroom no less) I uninstalled my burner, blew it out with a little "air in a can" and rebooted it (so that it automaticlly detected it and reinstalled it). I then tried a dl burn and it worked. In fact there wasnt even the huge buffer drop when proceeding to burn the second layer like before. I am going to burn a few more tonight and hopefully it will work. If it starts to fail again I will send you my log.