check if had been in the toronto area than check this link as i deal with them.
alienware seems to be out, craig. doggy_bot, that dell isn't bad at all. if you can't find a better deal, i'd go with that.
I think you've made a good choice Doggy_Bot, might as well buy it if it fits your budget. As for Tigerdirect, nice website but overprices everything, don't forget the shipping costs.
aha craigc alienware computers are primeraly for gaming which wouldn't relly suit doggy but their also blisteringly fast workstations Doggy your choice is good, I approve
Well thank you all for your support, i guess I will have some extra $ to add a few things...thanks again!
One more thing, My bro (The biggest fan of Mac ) said that Windows XP runs crappy on Dells and I would have to deal with it being like it, is it true, or is it a sh*t filled lie...
he's full of poop. dell doesn't use any cheaper hardware or software that would lead to crappier performance compared to any prebuilt compie company. you should come up with a good comeback. what's he got on his mac? OSX? whatever OS he has, say something like, "yeah, you think XP will run crappy on that? just look how OSX runs on yours!" lol, i'm stupid 0_o
I agree with Auslander. I have a Dell runnning Windows XP Home and it works perfectly fine. I have never had any problems with it.
I bought my pc and laptop from Alienware, they are great for gaming, but also very reliable for work. Im in high school, but still use it to do projects and stuff and i'd never have problems. But its your decision, the only thing i tell you is not to buy compaq, dont you never ever ever ever buy a compaq
why would you never buy a compaq? I have a Compaq laptop and it has excellent reviews and a great rating. I love my laptop. There is another thread here at Afterdawn with a link to my review.
Well Auslander I will have to agree on your statement about XP being a A-ok system on the Dell, but My bro just got the new Tiger for Mac and it works well, maybe if I told you he only does cinematography on his Mac, no gaming etc... btw: Thinking of getting T.V. tuner on dell, does it require any special requirements to have one...
it will definitely have a pci slot. check the specs for an AGP slot. it might be PCI-E, but i doubt it.