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What do you like more Mario, Zelda, or Sonic games?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Lildoggg, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    I dont really play games much now... But i do play Quake 3 Arena now and again... I do about 2 hours/week. : )
  2. Lildoggg

    Lildoggg Member

    Oct 5, 2005
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    I am starting to get into GTA 3 again since I have nothing better to do. I wonder what the next GTA will be like.
  3. Not4U

    Not4U Guest

    There is one that if I remember right it is on the psp GTA Liberty City Stories.....I think
    But if you mean for a major platform I wonder the same thing.

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