Please there John ole buddy, What I said was Pioneer wouldn't release a firmware for the 107 to burn D/L discs. The Pioneer 107 probably has more firmware, Company and Hacked, than any other drive on the market - Please don't mis-quote me - Thanks, Pete
I will tell you something about pioneer firmware updates.They do put out some firmware updates and 90% of the time they work but you get to many hacked ones.It is like NEC they could put one out for the 2500 for DL but swear it would mess up the drive.But everyone knows the 2510a is a 2500 with upgraded firmware on it.The problem is with pioneer it is so popular there is so maney hacked versions of firmware it is unbeleivable and this is its main down fall.So many do not work and totally mess up your drive.Even pioneer themselves put a firmware out for the drive i had which was not down gradeable.We all know drives act in differant ways depending on what there attached to.So if it did not work out for you it was tuff wait until the next update came out.After i updated from pioneer web site i could never get it back to the firmware i purchased it with.My fault for ignoring this but it told me it would improve the drive instead it made it worse.So you can see why iam not a lover of the pioneer drives.If as i use to believe pioneer is so good it would be one of the front runners like sony and others and have the DL drive on the market.Instead it is probably pondering around getting the firmware together. PS my apolgies Pete i did not have any intention of quoteing you Regards John179 _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Anything dodgy and your off down the station John179 Asus A7V8X-X XP2800+,2x120gb,1Gig Ram Ati 128mb Graphics 2 x dvd Lite-on 411S NEC 2510A os windows x[/small]
Well John, I think the main problem is the pple who have Pioneers keep trying to "tweak" it too much with Hacked firmware. I used one hacked firmware to raise the burning speed from 4X to 8X - seeing all the problems that caused I shouldn't have tried it in the first place. Unlike many others, I stopped there. I have heard of pple who have flashed their drive on a weekly basis and then wondered why it ran sooooo poorly - AFA the drive in general, I agree, it's a middle of the road drive, nothing special BUT if treated will do it's job with some degree of dependability - I am however, looking forward to seeing how their D/L drive performs. They will be the first ones to raise the D/L burning speed from 2.4X up to 4X, a fairly nice plus in my estimation Pete
While I am getting all geared up here..a few more plucks from your brain..Have read that nero6 would not burn the d/l format. But 5.5 would.. Any experience with this ? Thanks barefoot
I haven't heard that about Nero. Please understand that Dual-layer burners have only been out for a scant 2 months and the dual-layered media barely 5 weeks. At $15.00 a piece for media, those who have purchased D/L drives haven't been "experimenting" with them too much. I have knowledge of only a single person burning a single D/L disc here on A/D. I would take most reports of D/L burns with a whole bag of salt, believing only those with "Senior" or higher in front of their nic. As far as a report by a Newbie" I personally wouldn't believe them at all - In the near future, the BS will run ramped. Pple, many of them all claiming to be the "ultimate source of knowledge" - it will be fun to watch Pete
Must admitt though my pioneer did bring me some joy.I purchased it for £190:00 this was when dvd writer were pretty new on the seen.As time went on they brought the duel 4 speed out so i had to sell.Which i managed to sell for £90 which included the fitting for the guy.Which meant i could purchase my 4 speed lite-on drive for £70 and have a few beers on the way home.Was very happy as i thought i got a great deal. Cheers John179
I bought my Pioneer 105 in Feb 2003. Have been happy with it but had much trouble with media. Used Ritek brand and had problems with them. Then someone recomended the Korean brand BeAll. These was a total disaster with at least 30% coasters. Now I have a lot of movies backed up and don't know if they are good. Would take 24/7 watching to check them out. Now I watch the weekly sales at C.City, Staples etc and catch sales on name brand. Maxell, TDK, Memorex etc. Have been getting them for about .50 each. Have not had 1 of them bad. I did order the NEC 2510A OEM this am. $74.99 no tax free shipping Barefootx
Now you have found the right media for your Pioneer you best sticking with it.I have had my NEC 2510A just over a week.I have tried Ritek and Datawrite and Ridisc which i think is a cheap form of Ritek.All media has worked perfect.So far the NEC Drive seems to be a good quality burner so you may have made a good choice.If you try and DL media on it please keep me posted as it is a bit hard to get hold of in the UK at the moment and the price is very high. Thanks John179