@ lethal_b i dodnt remember the exact name it was, but i am sure if you run a google search on it, you will find something, i just remember seeing it one day, while i was at work.... me and some of the other guys were looking at stuff we were not supposed to (not gonna say what) but i saw a link on the bottom of one of these pages, and it said i would wipe out all your history with a click of the button.... i ran a quick search, found internet washer, secureclean & windows washer, one of them looks like ya gotta pay, buti just ran one search..... google it some more, i know we saw it at work and it did work...
killerc no offence but I'm fed up of your useless posts! not just in this thread in nearly every thread you participate in Hmmm why didn't you tell us the valuable lessons you have learnt?
The trouble with girls is they want money, nag all time, constantly accuse you of cheating, play unwinnable mind games with you and generally make your life miserable. Porn respects my feelings and leaves me alone once I've got what I wanted
neph, when your home alone, do you wax it up, slap some whip cream on it, and lay back and imagine its a sundae with a cherry on top, and think of that woman from the other night??? ya know im teasin ya buddy..... man this sux... workin on a holiday.. ponn also has taught me that them guys on the bus who pick up chicks, bang em, and drive off, is a fun idea... funny how they have not been caught.
The only thing porn ever (really)taught me was that if i play any of it when my girlfriend's with me, i can rest assured i get a long, wild night And, like aabbccdd, it also (sort of) taught me myriad ways of cleaning my pc :S
@Daniel_G - that first line, excellent. in fact you could even apply ddp's fave comment to that ie "teach & learn" hehe
Porn has taught me to "close my eyes..." I am BLIND in my left eye!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! Grandma was right.... YOU WILL GO BLIND!!!