i fear nothing (the universe and sh*t) i just cant grasp the idea that the universe goes on and on and on and on and on... its just too big
i fear black holes, as they consume everything around them. wow, now i fear rosie o'donnell is becoming a black hole.
(Clang-clang-clang went the trolley! Ding-ding-ding went the bells!) I fear all my friends and family desert me. -Mike
most of ye this should be ye worst fear 30 Harsh Things a Woman Can Say to a Naked Man 1. I've smoked fatter joints than that. 2. Ahhhh, it's cute. 3. Why don't we just cuddle? 4. You know they have surgery to fix that. 5. Make it dance. 6. Can I paint a smiley face on it? 7. Wow, and your feet are so big. 8. It's OK, we'll work around it. 9. Will it squeak if I squeeze it? 10. Oh no... a flash headache. 11. (giggle and point) 12. Can I be honest with you? 13. How sweet, you brought incense. 14. This explains your car. 15. Maybe if we water it, it'll grow. 16. Why is God punishing me? 17. At least this won't take long. 18. I never saw one like that before. 19. But it still works, right? 20. It looks so unused. 21. Maybe it looks better in natural light. 22. Why don't we skip right to the cigarettes? 23. Are you cold? 24. If you get me real drunk first. 25. Is that an optical illusion? 26. What is that? 27. It's a good thing you have so many other talents. 28. Does it come with an air pump? 29. So this is why you're supposed to judge people on personality. 30. I guess this makes me the 'early bird.
I fear the new Windows Vista thats suppose to be coming out soon, bieng said it wont let you download nothing besides your own home movies. Suppose to have somekind of block on it if you want to download one of your store bought material, dont really know how true or false all this info is, but if its true, holy crapola.
Yeah but what about the problem trying to buy a new computer in the next couple of months and all of them will only come with vista, so now what are you suppose to do.
anyone techie enough to have real issues with Vista will be techie enough to build their own machine. i will use XP until it is as useless as Windows 95/98, then switch to Linux. Xandros looks better every single day.
Let me rephrase this, many people like myself are not techies, far from it, but also many people like myself that do have programs like clone and anydvd and like to make backups of our material, so what does vista have in store for us non teckies that cant build there own computers, kinda of a nightmare I would think, people do suggest to go to linux, man now we are going out of our league again, I heard its not an easy OS, and not even mentioning non compatability issues, you also mentioned xandros, never even heard of it. I guess what I'm gathering here is if your not a tech wizz and we get stuck with vista than we get it up the geegee hole, thanks Bill Gates.
well, you don't have to switch to an OS newer than XP, at least not for a while. there are versions of linux that are quite easy on the user, like Redhat. Xandros is a version of linux that uses a GUI similar to Windows and is even capable of running dozens of Windows programs and games.
OK, now I'm beggining to understand a little better, so lets say as an example I would like to purchase a new computer in the near future and most likely it will probably come with vista, would I be able to uninstall vista and load it up with linux or this xandros or whatever without like screwing something up if I'm not really computer savvy, or at least would it be possible to hire somebody to do it, meaning without having to build your own computer from scratch.
yes you would; in fact, there's lots of places you can get a custom built pc without a pre-installed OS for cheaper, then put on the OS of your choice. typically, installing a new operating system is incredibly easy. even people that are near computer illiterate can do it with a bit of help.