What Program Should I buy?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by delafoo, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. delafoo

    delafoo Guest

    So, I just broke out my Rosetta Stone Language data/media CDs today. I want to back them up. I've downloaded A-Ray Scanner V. and ran a Scan on the Disk... It runs its scan and just says showing the first CD scan and the second CD scan below:[00:28:38 AM] --- File(s) Scan Finished [153.13s] ---
    [00:34:15 AM] --- File(s) Scan Finished [7.52s] ---

    and that's all. Does this mean they are not protected? How do I go about using Alcohol 120 or Blind Write to back these up? Any further help/ suggestions is much appreciated!


  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Either they aren't protected at all or they use some form of protection that A-Ray doesn't recognize. I'd go ahead and try A120 first using the "General Protected CD" profile and setting both the read and write speed to 8 or 12X for starters and if that doesn't work try knocking the speeds down to 4X.
  3. delafoo

    delafoo Guest

    I'm trying to backup a PC software language program called Rosetta Stone (Spanish).

    This comes with 2 CDs. One, is called the application disk, which loads the program which the second CD (the lesson CD) uses to run itself.

    I used A-Ray Scanner to find what type of encryption they have, and it came up with no encryption.

    I was able to burn a copy of the lesson CD, but the application CD will not burn. While recording, Alcohol 120 comes up with several read errors at different locations. Does this mean that this CD is actually encrypted? Any clues as to how I may find what type of encryption is used?

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Thank you all for your help,

  4. delafoo

    delafoo Guest

    Good news!!!

    After several days of trying, using every program under the sun, I was finally able to back these up!!!!


    Thanks to all who responded, I appreciate your help tremendously.

    For some reason, no copied CD's will work, regardless of the format used. However, backups will work if saving a file using Alcohol 120%, and then mounting it to a virtual drive to run it!!!! Sheesh... wish I would've known about the virtual drive sooner.

    Thanks all!!!


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