@ Darkhadou if u live in the UK (like me) what currencey do we use, umm........ pounds sterling, (sterling silver) and if you come up 2 edinburgh you can exchange a £10 note 4 10lb. of sterling silver. !!thecraigc!!
@p4_tt = throw it as high as you can and see if you can catch it, or pull a jackass stunt and see how far you can kick it with a bare foot !!thecraigc!!
my cousins are in Tahiti (sp?) right now, darth. they're thinking about staying there and retiring, so don't count on that.
they've got hacker T-shirts and some other things, but that's about it on their good stuff. :-/ still worth looking at, though!
lol, barcodes are cool. i don't like tattoos, but i still think about how a barcode would look on the back of my head (like the Hitman). quite a statement on society and the human condition, methinks.
yeah, that's what the little description said for the shirt. it represents the way the government is treating people, something like that.
such is life, until we all wake from our falsely content states of activist dormancy to bring about a new form of government and bring freedom to the minds of mankind.
well said, but...sometimes people go out of hand with their human-rights. a lot of people want freedom, but sometimes its not best to have so much of it. everything should be in moderation.
hehehe...sorry, that was the starving anarchist in me. i believe in rules and order, but it's in human nature, and therefore in government, to look out for oneself and screw everyone else over in turn. this leads to elimination of vital rights... ...i'm just waiting for guns to be even more controlled or outlawed in the US. it's Amendment II that guarantees the rest, and i hate seeing people trying to interpret any other way that what it's written. arg...i'm just going off on tangents tonight (or at least trying to), aren't i?
*yawns* bedtime soon...candles sound pleasant, all of a sudden. i'll have to remember to thank lola again for the incense...a sensual experience it be
how much do you still have left? On the line of cool techie stuff, id buy this http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/mugs/60c3/ my niehbor has one, and i really want one, its soo cool. And theres alot of cool stuff there at that website, cool pc mods n such, check it out everone http://www.thinkgeek.com