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What will give the best quality?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mccoy5, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Hey brobear

    My plextor and bigoranges's can burn many regular 4X media at 8X. I've been intentionally burning at higher speeds to check for P1/P0 errors and so far nothing to complain about.

    Now if I can get my wife to let me build a dual Xeon system with 2 gigs of hopefully very low latency ddr2, and two 300 gig Hitachi 10,000 rpm SATA drives in a RaidO config. CCE is not compatible with hyperthreading but it is with a dual pentium system. I figure I can get CCE encoding down to about 40 minutes.
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    The system sounds great. I would question running Raid0 alone as it isn't fault tolerant. You might want to adjust the system components list a bit to account for that. One of my kids is still in school, so the missus won't allow me to make such an investment now. Good luck with yours.

    I noticed one of your threads is about Rebuilder/CCE. I was going to get around to trying it soon. Are you telling me, that because my system has HT, I can't use this due to CCE being incompatible?

    Just curious when you said you got the skip on LOTR III, were you using HD files or running on the fly with AnyDVD? Just wondering what you think caused the problem? As I mentioned before, I got good results with both IV and Recode2 using HD files and burning at 4X (I have a love affair with my old burner and hate to turn loose, I'd have to have a 12X that could burn at least 8X with the quality of my current 4X and the 8X media would have to be comparible to cost of the 4X. Now am I asking too much?). I'll probably wait another year before I do any serious upgrades or replacement of my equipment.
  3. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    brobear, i already gave him his due, I'm not repeating it. It was hard enuff the 1st time. I gotta admit tho, copy 2 is fabulous. I'm starting to become confused, I'm not sure if I could pick which was which in a taste test between copy2, pinnacle IC8, and rebuilder/CCE. As far as PC's goes sophocles' is way out of my range. I guess I'll keep my Dell, it ain't fancy, but it gets me there. Kinda like my pick-up. (altho I do have a 540i, unfortunately my wife seems to be taking over that.)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2004
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Big O,
    Noticed the 'humble pie' after I set the post.

    Now I know who it belongs to if I see a big orange 540i.

    Sounds like Sophocles is getting ready to build a NASA prototype. Just kidding. Hope he considers a 3rd HD for files he wants safely backed up. Raid0 is lightning fast, but not fault tolerant. Data lost from one Raid HD affects the other.

    Here's a quick read for anyone interested in the Raid0. If not interested, go no farther. The setup instructions may vary according to a particular application, but one can get the general idea. (Who would have thought I would be interested in such trivia?) This is a little off track, but the hardware is for the high end DVD enthusiast.

    How to create a RAID 0 (stripped) array using the SATA RAID controller and two SATA drives.

    How do I create a RAID 0 (stripped) array using the serial ATA RAID controller and two serial ATA drives?

    Note: A RAID 0 array is not fault tolerant. It is recommended that you backup any important data that you decide to store on the array.

    To create a RAID 0 array please follow the steps below:

    With the computer powered off, follow the instructions for installing the RAID controller correctly and connect both Serial ATA hard drives to the controller.

    Boot your computer with the controller and drives already installed.

    Watch your boot screens for a prompt that will ask you to press the Control and F keys at the same time to enter the Fastbuild utility and press those keys to enter.

    Press the 1 key to enter Auto Setup.

    Verify that the top of the screen says Optimize Array for: Performance.

    If the top of the screen says Security instead of performance, highlight the word Security and press the right arrow button to change the word to Performance.

    You should see that two hard drives are being used in the array and you will also see the total size of the array in MB.

    Press the Control and Y keys at the same time to save the array configuration.

    Press the Y key to create and quick initialize the array.

    You will be warned that all data on the drives will be erased, press the Y key to proceed.

    The array is now created, press any key to reboot.

    To use the array for extra data storage only:

    Install the latest service pack for your operating system to enable large drive support and use Disk Management to partition and format the array.

    To use the array as your bootable system drive:

    Set your BIOS to boot to CD first and boot from your Windows 2000/XP CD to load your operating system onto the array.

    Windows will treat the array as one large drive and will install on the array just as it would on a single drive.

    When you are prompted by Windows setup to press the F6 key to install SCSI or RAID drivers, you will need to press F6 and insert the driver disk that came with your RAID controller card.

    Once the drivers for the card are installed you will be able to finish the installation of Windows 2000/XP onto the array. After the installation of Windows, please install the latest service pack for Windows to enable large drive support and avoid data corruption.

    Note: Your system BIOS may require you to change the order of your boot sequence before you can boot your computer from a controller. For more information about adjusting options in your system BIOS, please contact the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2004
  5. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    The isn't fault tolerant lets me out.
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I've been building high-end PCs since 1996 and the actual number I've built has to be close to are past 100 systems. I overclocked my first Pentium (P5 166 mhz) in the fall of 1996 when you had to manually set the jumpers for the CPU clock and FSB on the board. I built my current PC in November of 2002 and won a speed contest with it. I overclocked it to 3.253 ghz (the top dog at at the time was the P4 3.06 ghz hyperthreaded and it sold for over $600.) and added two 512 meg sticks of CAS2 PC3200 corsair extreme memory, and a Radeon 9700 Pro card (which has since been replaed by the HIS excalibur IceQ Radeon 9800 Pro (see image below). For hard disks I used 2 120 gig western digital special editions in a raidO, which is why I felt comfortable in recommending the disk to bigorange. I mounted it all on an Asus P4PE mainboard which has SATA onboard so no card add-on is needed, that's mostly for older borads or for boards of people who didn't plan ahead. If the 74 gig Raptors were available at the time I would've used them instead. My interest in video by comparison only started about 3 and half years ago and it was partly responsible for my current system.

    It's true that a raidO is not fault tolerant but that's ony for systems storing highly valuable data, then you would use a raid 1 which is a redundant back up system. It has the second hard disk storing the same information as the first(a mirror image) but it's not for performance, and for an enthusiasts it's a waste of money and time. I've never lost a file using a RaidO, but if I did it would been of no importance since I save all sensitive data written to CD-RW (thanks to mount ranier) and DVDR. Every now the when I collect stuff I consider valuable I organize it and burn it. I already have the mony and my wifes permission to buid the new system I'm just waiting for a board that supports PCI express and DDR2, and the Hitachi hard disk which will be available soon.


    CCE isn't incompatible with P4 with HT it just can use its HT feature , but it can use dual threads with two pentiums. The new Xeons are coming down in price


    [bold]i already gave him his due, I'm not repeating it. It was hard enuff the 1st time.[/bold]

    If I've insulted you then I am truly sorry, perhaps I should tread a little more lightly. Besides it wasn't you specifically that I was trying to get to come over to my side, it was Brian. I'm not sure where he stands at this time. I knew you'd get there anyway because I had an application that you didn't. LOL

    brobear and bigorange you are both among my favorite people on this forum so let me know if I go to far.

    My Video card


    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2004
  7. brian100

    brian100 Guest


    I really wish I didn't have to post this.

    Over the last day or so I have totally re-formatted my hard drive & ran Intervideo "clean". But still had the pixellation issue.

    I downloaded the latest version of Intervideo dvd copy today and tried one movie & still had the intermittent "large white pixellation" issue. It is truly driving me ape shit, I feel i'm missing out badly on this product. I have also been in contact with frisk & he is having playback problems with intervideo, but the pixellation issue seems (for him) to have dissapeared.

    Perhaps it's all a horrible dream?(pinches arm). No ! stupid reality again. :(

    I can't recommened Intervideo dvd copy 2 purely from personal experience. It is now wiped from my system and will never see light of day again.
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Hey Brian.

    Over 20 backed and no pixelation of anykind unless we are using different software.

    If we aren't then it has to be somehing else("Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)).

    I'm going to do 3 more backups today. So far I have a 100% success ratio and if one should fail today then it would put the failure rate at under 4%. If it doesn't fail then the next batch will see it under 3%.

    I'm not going to try and convince you of my point but the only difference is and if its not DVDcopy2, and that's what the evidence suggests, then it has to be the difference in equiptment, and other software and codecs installed.

    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2004
  9. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    Elementary my dear Watson. This surely be the problem.

    I have searched high and low for any "known issues" with Intervideo, but alas no luck.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]On Initial Viewing My Backup Looked Terrible,
    But With One Eye Closed It Aint Half Bad!![/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2004
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Do you have a TV tuner installed in your system and if yes what make and model?
  11. brian100

    brian100 Guest


    No Tv tuner card present on system.

    Thanks for suggestion. I am going to carry on searching for a possible solution for my problem. If I find anything, i can guarantee you will be the first to know.
  12. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    sophocles, hey man, don't ever take me seriously, I'm serious man! lol You did not, I repeat did not offend, I was just givin' brobear and you a little sheeeat. Please feel you can say anything you like around me. I truly enjoy these little te-ta-teh's (phonetic spelling)we have. You guys are great and this is a great forum. I'm not to narrow-minded to realize there is stuff out there that could be better than what I'm using. I should have tried it before I spouted off about it. You have just cost me another 80.00 so you should feel bad about that.You do not have to tread lightly around me, my wife certainly doesn't. You, brobear, brian, pete,flip, jim,tom, and all the rest of our bunch make this a place I look forward to coming every day. so please feel free to be yourself. I am a member now, so of course maybe I do deserve a little more respect? naaaahhhh! lol
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I had expected that you weren't offended but sometimes I get caught up in the logistics of the situation and forget that there's people behind it all. So I thought I'd take a moment to tuck my tail in and learn a little humility. Yea right! Like that's ever going to happen.
  14. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    If you do happen to feel bad about it, you can always split the cost. What's another 40.00 with all that you're spending. I know it would salve my bruised ego, not to mention what it would for you, you know, make you feel better about yourself.
  15. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    That would cause us both to break one of the forum's cardinal rules, giving out emails. In deference to your recent promotion, I wouldn't dare allow something as trivial as $40 to affect your current status. LOL
  16. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    hey, i just saw yours! congrats, damn it! well, as in the case with vurbal, I was your peer for a couple of days anyway.
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Holy Sh-t I didn't even notice, you noticed before I did. I've been trying to research the parts for my new system and wasn't even paying attention.
  18. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    vurbal said the same thing when I congradulated him, May be I should make a list and inform everyone.
  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    When I was promoted to memeber I received a Private message from a moderator informing of his recommendation for a promotion, this time no said anything before you did. Mmm! I wonder if I should now be addressed as Sir Sophocles.
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Well, if you're sir sophocles, then that would make us squires big o and brobear. I think we might want to dispense with the titles. Guess they gave so many promotions they didn't have time to send everyone emails.

    I wasn't questioning your expertise on building a PC. I only mentioned what you didn't bring up. It was more for others and not for you. I remember sometimes that we are in a public forum. I was just letting Newbies know what the consequences can be. As for myself, I like big airy cases with large capacity quiet fans. That way I get to stick in the 3rd hard drive that allows the speed of Raid0 and a safe place to store important files. Nothing wrong with your method, I just like to keep the files onboard without doing a lot of backups. I'd like to see the shopping list and the specs when you get everything setup. It sounds like another award winning machine.

    BTW, do you know where I can get a set of big blue laser eyes, big o has a thing about blue, being as how he is an orange fan. Besides, I hear blue laser tech is the coming thing. I to, like big o, become jovial while you are being serious. It might sometimes be troublesome as you can't see the tongue in cheek manner.

    I don't know what is happening to the poor souls with the IV pixels. I realize they're not dreaming, but it would be interesting to know whats happening. My complete method is decrypting with DVD Decrypter in ISO read mode. Then I load the ISO file in Daemon, an emulator. I then choose the simulated drive and let InterVideo DVDcopy2 go to work. Great results and no complaints from this quarter.

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