Hi Buddy...Its been so long since I have been on the site, I had forgotten how to put up the photos... Hows life ? same old Questions as before... but a cure for Nag 3 ...and only € 15.00 ..sounds interesting LOL
you should have seen the q loads of people waiting you would think the january sales were on,evening des lol
THANKS 4 THAT e45 . yep as i said when i looked up their channels listing on their site .Beside each channels there a little logo like (n2)+(n3)+(n4)= nagra/code /type they are using. So it look like nagra 4 is in now streaming 1803. like as u yourself has said to me before christmas was that nagra3 has been out a long time. so it must be time for the providers to look for a new type update to nagra 3. nagra 3 came under attack 10 months ago only partly hack it on some type cards sharing . only got some channels on so the providers change the version 2.4 to version 4 of nagra 3.many of the big names in the hackers are now working for these providers in europe now. that why their been no working on the problem so far. what do u think on it e45
canon which site are you looking at that displays the nagra type? Where you seeing Nagra 4 in the stream?
I,m afraid it's just the age old problem of where there are desperate people there are usually unscrupulous people willing to prey on them.Having said that , I too would be willing to eat my words if it were proved to be otherwise.
Just seen this and thought that it was interesting http://ftapirates.com/showthread.php?tid=155 is he still trying to release a fix? Not saying that it is true just interesting.
Isnt Tarnovsky working for Nagra, read this h ttp://www.ftaconcept.com/showthread.php?p=240854 Rumours rumours everywhere, not one of them true!!!! Think its time to give up the ghost on Nagra3 and start looking at other routes properly, The amount of crap that you read "oh its been cracked in america, now they will fix my eurovox red box" or "oh some one in spain cracked it, its a matter of weeks" blah de blah, when ya read one, ya read em all.
Hi MICKAH: Type in upc channel list,when u get to the site page look down to and see a tread called > LIST of CHANNELS ON UPC-wikipedia the free encyclopedia, when u open that tread u will see the channels listing . and little logos in backets with the letter number (N3) beside each of the channel and there a (N4) beside some others of the channels. NOW i could have it wrong myself ,need some one else to check it out for me.i myself have not seen a steaming 1803 ,but I persumes that if they are using n4. That it will be 1803 for n4 OK.. Nagravision 3 is out a long time in the rest of Europe. i seen someware on A other site talking of providers to changing over to a all new Nagra system and it would be called nagra4 next year. ON TEST with some Providers right now.Just check it out and Let me know.MICKAH. canon_7
you talking like this Nickelodeon[n 4] the n4 denotes shows irish adverts instead of UK ones, when ya click the N4 beside the chan name, it brings you to the bottom of the page and a glossery
Just had a look at what you were saying the code1/2/3/4 are simply telling you what you get with various stations. 1 a b c d Must carry channel 2 ^ a b Also on channel 105/401 3 ^ a b c d e f g h i j Shows Irish adverts instead of UK adverts 4 ^ a b c Included with Sky Movies Pack, otherwise Disney Pack is required Nothing whatsoever to do with Nag 3 or Nag 4
Good Mick, thanks... Belated congrats on achieving the Junkie (OOps) Addict Status, I knew you would get there LOL Havent been around in yonks.. got a couple of days off and nothing better to be doing, unless the boss wants to go shopping LOL
Aye when the minister for war and finance want to spend money, ya have no choice, Wont stop em going shopping though, rain, hail sleet, hot lava, they will go shopping bloody weather is rotton, my bin took off down the road like a Dalek on cocaine, lid flapping and spinning around!
nope, with all due respect dont believe a word of it, cause folk will go in with their boxs, they will be flashed and ya know what, "they must of changed the encryption since I flashed it" same old story.
Grand thank for that, took it up wrong on that ok ONLY NAGRA 3 FOR NOW. AS 4 the other thing the company that makes the Nagravision are talking of releasing their new Nagra4 sometime in the new year or so the Providers are looking for a new type of coding to updated their system to keep in line with the hackers are up to in the rest of Europe.I Know nagra 3 is only new to us here ,Out a Long time in Europe.MICKAH