3 years and counting, still aint being cracked on sat, which is where the hacks come from mainly, so ya could say its game over for free TV on cable, DIGITV on sat is N3 or will be, cant see em launch a new encryption when the existing one still hasnt been breached, aint broke, dont fix it
Well since N~L went over to NAGRA 3 ,People have not heard a word from him in MEATH ST. lot of people rang him and told he was not here. Same Old Story on that,When the chips are down nobody want to know OK.pudzyran
YES MICKAH: I Say the same on that Why fix it when it working, But time moves on in the company. New Providers that come on line would use the new code for their sat station ,more secured than Nag3 would be. ALL OUT TO MAKE MONEY.Have to wait and see if they will release it in the new year? DO u know what the best CAM on the Market today. I am using the T-REX Dragon Super module /Rev 4.6 powered by FireCrypt. or the one i am using is the best on the market for now.