i think i'm going to try to get a job as a Paris Hilton double. that probably pays well; all i'd have to worry about it devoted hunters of morons and jackasses shooting me.
I am hopeing to make some supplemental income with programs like studiotraffic where you put in some money and they will give you a small percentage back if you go and click on adds for them. I could use some supplemental income.
Before you do invest anything into those "schemes", have a look at the time you need to invest to get any payout (ASSUMING they aren't a scam in the first place). You might need to spend 10 hours of your time to earn even $5. Unless you're getting that earnt by not doing anything to go out of your way, you'd be much better off flipping burgers even...
there's always mowing lawns and washing cars. if you have a good body, housewives will tip quite well.
I heard from many people and sources that studiotraffic is legit and they do pay their members 1% of what the member invests, but you can only invest so much at a time I think. For the work you do, I think you just have to click a button on a ad page, but there is like 500 to 1000 pages you have to do or something. I heard that it usually takes about 1 hour of work a day. I have heard from people who were skeptic at first, but weren't after they were really paid. I don't understand why everyone is not using to method to make money. I personally belief that you don't know until you try. I didn't believe that you could back ps2 games before, but I tried it and it works. When I try to tell people you can back ps2 games and play them, they tell me I am lying and that I am trying to scam them. It's scary!!!!
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First of all, how old are you exactly. And please, don't lie about it, I'd really like to know. Look, get-rich-quick schemes never work out for the inexperienced, and that false illusion of becoming the next millionaire is totally not true. I'll tell you right now, I'm a broke mothaf**ka, and the only options I can see for me right now are to go to college, get a degree in computers, and work in the field (so to say). I could try to do something daring, but I'm not the type of person who can hope to make it big and not keep up with it. If I were to do that, I at least would have something to fall back on. Like Auslander said, money isn't everything, but, unfortunatly in today's world, it's pretty much needed in order to live. All I can say to you is, try to find what you're the most interested in and try to focus on that. Even if your parents don't approve, or something, try to focus on it as much as possible, and attend college if it can go to that level. Even if it isn't college area, try to focus on it at a professional level. Nothing gives way to success better than professionalism. Get back to me on this.
... Try to avoid becomming interested in something that your parents don't approve of ... in most cases, they care more about you than anyone else ...
That's not what I meant. I meant to do something productive, what's true to you, and not what they want you to do. Obeying your parents to be miserable and obeying your own feelings and being happy make all the difference in a person's life.
Screw money!!!! I only care about it to pay my bills. I just want my youth back!!!!!!!! I am junior in college and with the crap I am learning, I just don't understand how any of it is supposed to make me money. I feel dumber and dumber each day in class. They are never going to teach you want you really need to know. No one will. You sit you a*s eight hours a day in class nearly everyday except weekends and summers and that's supposed to help. I only get back pain from sitting through class so much. They should do a research on how many college students have back pain. Once your life reaches 20, it's all downhill from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT"S THE MEANING OF LIFE????????? AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COLLEGE IS THE STRANGEST EXPERIENCE EVER. IT FEELS LIKE TIME STOPS AND YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!! IT"S BASICULLY LIKE YOU ARE IN JAIL. NOTHING MATTERS ANYMORE EXCEPT GETTING A LETTER GRADE. IT"S VERY SAD!!! LIFE IS OVERRATED!!!!!!
Damn then i guess iam really shot at 47 ,will someone give me a bullet so i can get it over with LOL !!!!!!!
You know, a person in my communications class made a speech on that very thing. I don't know why you have so many hours in school, but you do need to take care of your back. I know I have back pains from carrying around books and sitting in uncomfortable chairs. Don't you get financial aid? You should look into getting grants to help you out, that's what I did. Loans are another option, but should be your absolute last source. If you can find a loan that you can pay back without interest, then you should opt for that. If you do have loans, and/or you maxed out on them, then that really sucks. If you can help it, see if you can loosen your schedule a bit to fit your needs. Last word of advice: You're not going to get much of your youth back. It's hard to admit, but I know I'm not going to get much of my time back, and hell, I'm 19, so I'm pretty much near the hump. You're just gonna have to accept the fact that life sucks for most people, but what you're doing in college is trying to change that, so that you don't have to struggle to pay the bills every month. You have to make sacrifices, even if they may hurt you and seem worthless. To add to your edit to your earlier response, yes, college is a weird experience. You don't get as much help with the work, the way things are taught are obscure and bland, most professors are underpaid, thereby effecting their work, and everyone feels like shit, even though it's more flexible than high school. The meaning of life is to live, and the way life works is through change, and in order to survive, you're going to have to adapt.
i cant belive you guys are whining about your back pain at F@#$ing 19/20 years old lol. damn do some crunches/situp to get your abs in shape which helps your back. iam on my feet 10 hours a day on my job and my back hurts to but i do 100 situps 4 or 5 times a week to keep myself in shape. IT WORKS !!!!!
I AM STARTING TO REALIZED THAT TIME IS THE ONLY THING THAT REALLY MATTERS OR CAN IMPACT YOU, OR CHANGE YOU. Once you go to college, you will realize that you don't know anything anymore. I just don't know anything any more. The only thing I know is that videogames make life bareable, not fun!
@aabbccdd: I have been trying to do that as well, which does help, but I still have some strain by the end of the week. You try carrying around 25 lbs of books everyday on your back and try to have it not hurt. @vgaddict8: Yes, time is a valuable thing, just like that song by Linkin Park says. Basically, what you're doing right now is doing something you'll regret doing when you're older. So what if you lose out on a party or 2? It's not like it'll end your social life. I'm sure if you make some time for yourself, it wouldn't even effect much else. As for me, I can't make that click right away. I'm pretty much a lazy bastard, and barely do anything outside of what I have to. I've been trying to make better use of my time, but I'm still having problems with getting organized on some of my classes. Anyway, try to use your time wisely, be patient, and focus on what's important. You're going to college for you, and in the process, helping countless others out by giving back and not becoming a f**kin' moron! PS: Knowing you know nothing is a good thing, believe it or not. You've already begun to realize that you can actually learn something important about yourself and other things you didn't know about. Use this time not as punishment, but as what it's supposed to be, a time where you learn to think critically and accuratly about your feelings and wants out of life. And yeah, once you realize that gaming is only meant to entertain, it basically takes most of the fun out of it.
well here you go, why not change your course structure and do a design course on the workings of video games.Become a programmer or at least a game tester.............they get paid reasonably well and you your self said that video games make life bearable.Well heres your chance to make your own life more bearable and profitable as well.So stop whinging and change your life now.............or join the army.Thats definitely going to change your life
You know, if you really like video games so much, you can easily get a job with just being really, really good at games. There was this guy who won $150,000 by winning a Unreal Tournament or Counter Strike competition. You could also try to go for graphic design and create a game that's actually fun. You can look for places that need game testers if you look hard enough. You can make what you live for work for you. Work towards what you're best at with gaming and apply it to your future plans.
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