finally.. after years and years you all get to see MY avatar !!! .. been using it around the place since llamma and X111 days.. at least a decade or more
It's real good.. but time is short now because 14 hour days every day week in week out.. well.. you can guess.. and not drinking too.. oooo
Just wanted to stop by to let everyone know I'm alive and kicking. I haven't had much time to tinker around like I used to considering college and work taking up all my time. I hope everyone is doing good and it's sad to see some of the things that have happened since I've been gone.
went thru a recent career change.from automechanic to cook/ having clean
i used to dwell into cars... then went into bikes for a while... then i just gave up too many stupid people... wish i could be a bartender... free drinks
nah,too busy to find working in the kitchen really curbs my appetite.good thing too as i have about 30 extra pounds to get rid of.never worked on bikes outside of completely rewiring a 1980s i said,love having clean hands.
love that probably the biggest fan of the pogues outside of and yes,i know this isnt the pogues.
Trying not laugh at that pic Paula, it looks as if the guy to your right is taking a snooze. Upon closer examination I see he's doodling on a note pad. Still, for several seconds it had me chuckling. I also like the Ovations for one simple reason. They hold tune better than any other acoustic I've ever played.