Hey there stranger..how long has it been since we crossed paths? Must rememberjanrocks from those places. Anyhow.. just testing out this salvaged tablet thingy... hard on the eyes... As you say times change.. still got my pair of chipped 1.1s tho
I remember you as well, because you used to pop in and out of some of the threads I was haunting at the time.
Wow, so many names I have seen over the years, some I have asked for help, others just reading most of your postings and watching y'all at work. I pop by from time to time (not as old school as many in here) and just keep on movin' through life.
yeaaaaah im still clueless!! potentially heading into my second university course change in as many years aha!! Keeping busy? <3
AD is not the same place as it use to be for a couple of reasons 1. When AD kicked off consumer pc was relatively new and everyone needed help and advise. 2. People tend to be less interested now my local computer market has half the customers it use to have. 3. Technology has changed alot dvd,cd desktop pc loosing the new generation interest and being replaced by updated ready made laptops and tablets and usb and other backup devices like cloud and so on. My pc is pretty up to date but i would give it away to go through the pc boom again. Sadly us old hands feel less needed now due to tech change and the new generation of tech giving consumers a far easier ride.
It's got a lot to do with social media as well. Not only are there millions of YT guides to spoon-feed those stuck with their tech, but the social, almost family element as seen in this thread can now be found through Facebook etc.
Totally agree and to be honest i used youtube myself to educate myself on kodi as it's the lazy way and i am a lazy person these days always looking for the easy route.
Lethal is right on the mark. I have a memory of having a discussion with him about this back in 2008, but that was the issue then. Younger people no longer seem to have an interest in how to build a PC, overclock, or how to back up a DVD or BD. They've all become engaged to their smart-phones that allow them to text and receive instant 24/7 replies. They can take "selfies" and then send them to a friend in an instant, and have a reasonable expectation that they will receive an almost immediate reply. What the new media lacks is depth!
Found my password pinned to the wall by the mighty wood chucker and decided to drop in and see who was stirring. Ran a check on some of the members and noticed some of the folks I liked haven't been around for years. I see my old sparring partner, Soph, decided to check in. How's it going? As for the technology, it never stands still. Someone once told me that AMD had reached the pinnacle of development and Intel could never get back in the game. Tech changed and the site changed. There was a shift from video to gaming and a new generation moved in. The site has changed a lot and it appears to have quietened down some. Guess I'll remain in the background and wander with the lurkers. Night all...
I'm doing great, and you? Technology does continue to advance but processors as they're currently designed are hitting a wall. They really don't have much room to shrink the die so it's getting harder to increase the number of transistors, and clock speeds are about as high as they're going to get because of heat issues. All that's really left is stacking more cores. Now if something would happen with quantum computing who knows? The truth is that most computers since the Core 2 quads are largely wasted power, since they will run everything out there unless you're still into transcoding/reencoding, and they'll still do the work, but just a little slower. Kids today are more into their smartphones, or they might have a laptop, but desktop enthusiasm has waned. A lot of forums have taken a traffic hit, but we all knew it was coming back in 2008. So I figured it was time to get back into music and cycling. Drop by again, I'm sure there are others out there who would like to say hi. Good to hear from you!
Can't complain, at least not too much. Glad to hear you're doing well. Have you started a band or remained a solo act? Besides those who may say hi, I suspect there are those who still want to start a "hue and cry". Let the youngsters look that one up. lol I got bored with all the high tech and reverted to some old hobbies. I've improved my skills in restoration. If I was 10 years younger, I might give carving a try. Way it is now, by the time I developed the skill, I'd be too old and blind to see what I was doing. There's still a few desktops floating around that I built. I'm in the process of building a desktop for my wife. She wants something with a screen large enough to view without having to use a magnifying glass. Nothing fancy, just something simple to do a bit of surfing and word processing. I've been working on my cycle. With all the add-ons, the wiring harness was starting to get hacked up. I decided to put in a new one while I could still find one. Still riding the old "1800". While I'm at it, I'm beefing up the fuel injection. Getting late in the year, but I'm planning on doing some riding next spring. I'd probably get more exercise if a took a cue from you and did some cycling. Too dangerous around here though. Drivers don't respect cyclists' rights. It's dangerous enough on a motorcycle. I like taking our boxer for a walk though (or she takes me). Have a good one and I'll catch you later...
I was in a band and now I'm solo! I still play a few minutes every day, but my days of musical glory have passed, but not my interest in playing. Our generation has acquired a number of labels, such as "baby boomers," but in my mind we're the "how to" generation. Interests in tech as we all remember it has passed for the young, and for the life of me I can't figure out why. I have a smart phone, but its functions are only a fraction of what my desktop is capable of, a sort of carry in the pocket substitute. As for cycling! It's my passion, and perhaps my salvation (figuratively speaking), because it keeps me fluidly moving throughout the day. Like you, I also love motorcycles, but cycling keeps me healthier and out of trouble. Well for now! LOL Keep in touch and let me know how things are working out! HLG
Haven't been here in what seems like forever! I found this thread which is now very dated... Feb 4, 2011...... to Oct 8, 2016 (LOL) Thought I would drop a line to a number of online friends, remembering the great times we use to have here on AD! I read a few of the questions asked on the forum and have come to the conclusion that "Generation Z" relies on Cortona and Google Now to speak to them. The simplicity of reading and understanding simple instruction is a lost art form. We are now relics of the past!