When i was a weeee little fellow, I got suspended for making fun of a kid that was mentaly retarted (atleast I think so?) and I was so pissed, can't wait till my principle dies!
hey man,that aint nice making fun of mentally retarded people.so id have to agree with that suspension.people like that cant help the way they are as opposed to other people.
I seen kids calling names,pushing,spit balling,telling them to do stuff on retared kids and I have never ever seen anyone get in trouble.
im thinking this happened in elementary school when kids didnt know any better.and at that time it should have seem harsh to you to be suspended.but now that youre older it should make sense that picking on retarded kids shouldnt be taken lightly. and where are the teachers when this stuff happens?i hope they aint watching and laughing too.
The mother was some high class lawyer so what did you exspect... btw...I THINK he was retarted, sure looked liked it... what a stupid kid!
well,looking back on being suspended back in grade school is dumb.i was paddled in grade school for busting open a packet of taco sauce in the classroom.but i dont look back and actually give a crap about it.i dont look back on it and hope the lady dies for it.although she may already be dead(she was kinda old).
i go suspended in primary school for decking someone he did hit me first.then in high school suspended at least 20times then asked to leave or i will be expelled.
Aha, he wasnt mentally challenged, sorry thought he was, but i did find out that he had major social disabilities...sorry for making such an uproar...my bad.
All the teachers @ my schools are unquallified probably college degree, i asked my economics teacher what Belgium specializez in and she sed "Cold Weather" i dunno if that was a joke or what. while surfing i found out that Belgium specialises in chocolates. i really need to teach her econmics..... LOL....
the answer to that joke is usually "waffles". @doggy_bot when it comes down to it,most people are gonna look back at their school years and laugh.if i knew then what i know now,i would have tried harder at school.i thought i knew it all,but i was so wrong.nobody gives a sh*t about you in the real world.except your friends and family.and sometimes they arent there for you either.
and i would have also tried to date that nerdy chick that i thought was unattractive.man,did she blossom out to be a hot peice of..ah..well..you get what i mean.you live and you learn.
WoW...just found out a guy in my class was g@y...you would'nt really (or atleast me) think about some one being gay...I guess its hard to understand what i really mean but, it was basically surprising for me... Btw, I have nothing against gays...