Who's is the sig that says Fanboy = Retard lol. I saw it somewhere today.. Tycobb or svstang I think.. Who would come in here and admit to being a fanboy..{rant} Probably why this site ain't what it used to be..Too many retards trying to make us be just like them, play the same games and watch the same boring shows on the TV...Oh and don't you dare to try and think for yourself, or even express a differing point of view or they will shout you down all the way to the ban button. What's useless about anything in this thread.. I'm still glad leicsy started it..It's been a cracker so far. Just so long as a load of retards don't come stomping all over it with the "I'm right because I say I am"."Think like me not like you"."Do what I do because I think the sun shines out of my ass" whining. What can be pointless about a thread with seniors, moderators, staff members, newbies and junior members all talking about life, the universe and the internet in general over 3 pages....dunno.. I fail to see the pointless?? Now there's a useless post if ever I saw one.. {/rant} This has been a public service announcement. Thankyou for listening Cheers Dan ;-)
@Janrocks, I've never talked directly to you before but have read some of your posts. That last one hit the nail right on the head. You have an excellent insite to the thinking process of some members on here. I enjoyed reading that, LOL. Jerry
Jan, that's copyright infringement ! :-D but since breaking copyrights is my want, i'll just tell ye not to steal my words too often ;-)
Tis cool Dan.. I thought you got it off Eminem, or was it "charlie says" rofl..Anyway where is the plagarism?..I gave credit where it's due.. ;-) Jerry..same here. I've read a lot of your posts on similar lines in the recent past, so maybe it's rubbing off on me. I've started to get quoted by mods (ties belt tighter around head).. Peace...not where fanboys are concerned..bring 'em on!! *reaches for mallet, changes mind and reaches for intellect instead...now where did I put it?* lol
The plagiarism was on the fanboy rant, not the final quote ;-). But it's ok, since i'm too scared of suffering your wrath *that's right, the mighty ranting Fiend admitted that he's scared of a woman! run to the hills ! that lady must be dangerous!* ;-)
Oh sorry.. I wasn't aware of it.. I liked your post about it and maybe it's rubbed off on me.. I did love the vision of the burning bum dance and the mighty Fiend steaming in with sledgehammer in hand to quell the flames.. Absolutely priceless. Everybody's having a late night tonite?
It really sucks when you stay awake for days because there's a drive in a raid set on the way out, and you end up sitting there listening for it making strange noises to work out which it is so you can whip it out before it takes the whole lot down. Whats nice?..sleeping in the daytime.. !! Yay !!
nah, we always know which of our drives are failing/at risk of failing, our various disk software are good like that now if only disc manufacturers can make drives that last long enough
try listening to the strange noises at work all night alone in a big ass building when you're next to a 30 acre graveyard! the mind plays mean tricks sometimes
stay away from those chupacabras. i had a close encounter with one, and barely got away unscathed, nasty little creatures they are.