@June_0606 OK after a very frustrating search, I have finally found the hidden options to merge files, but no wonder, I only found the option by being very lucky, after selecting all the files I wanted to merge at the [bold]same time [/bold]from [bold]one directory[/bold] . This merge option is totally in the wrong place. If I select say 3x avi files, each from a [bold]different[/bold] directory, then I CANNOT merge the files. This is NOT a good way to implement this merge feature. They should move the MERGE convert option to the same final Window where the "Convert" button is. Ruf
rufdymind, you are truly slow. it took you that long to figure out the merge function? what's the big deal about files being in different directories? it's not very hard to move files to the same folder.
hahaha...rufdydumb is ridiculuous.. winavi is the most blatantly simple straightforward program there is to convert an av file to dvd. have you tried TMPGEnc or MainConcept? amateurs.
@comp_ama You are even slower ... 1. I don't have the time or the disk space to move all my LARGE avi files into one directory - or is that too hard to understand for a bright spark like yourself. 2. The previous version 6.3 had that functionality already built in, so can you explain why they removed it if you're so bright. Ruf
@rufdydumb Geeez. Sounds like you are the amateur. Why would anyone use slow dinosaur proggies like TMPGEnc or MainConcept when Winavi can do the job in a tenth of the time. Damn newbies .. haha.
rufdymind: I want to ask you where you find the option "Merge" ? I think eveyone will see the "Any to ..." box after you select the file. BTW,you may need to uninstall the program complete and then reinstall again.make sure you use the v7.6
@ June_0606 Strange, why ask me where the merge option is? I thought you knew how to use this program - are you not the programmer in disguise? My last word in this thread is: The merge option only appears if you select >1 file at the SAME TIME from the batch process file selection box. If you select only 1 file each time from different directories, which is what I normally need to do, then you CANNOT merge. The merge option does not appear. That is when you get the "overwrite" or "create" option. In contrast, in ver 6.3 you can select one file at a time, or many, and the merge is automatic. The bottom line throughout this whole thread really is, why was this feature broken in Ver 7.x ? It worked fine before, so why break it. PS to all those silly amateur cynics out there, I know Winavi is easy to use, thats why I use it and want it fixed to work properly as it is the fastest - but there is still no excuse for bad user unfriendly coding, and breaking things that already worked fine in a previous version, however simple the program is (and then calling it an "improvement"? Ruf
It's very strange for you.When you select only one file,who you want to merge to? And of course,you can't select file from different directory.You may have lost some generally knowledge. And please polite!
@June_0606 OK, I'll try once more to explain this simply and I will be polite this time as I would like you to fix this if possible. Most people have many AVI files in different Directories and different Hard Drives. In Ver 7.x, if I ADD 1x AVI from drive C: and ADD 1x AVI from Drive D: then I cannot merge using WINAVI. WINAVI wants all AVI to be on same directory on same drive. This is the big problem with Ver 7.x. In Version 6.3, I can ADD 1 x avi from C:, ADD 1 x avi from D:, ADD 1 x avi from E:, and ADD 1 x avi from F:, and add them to conversion list and then press "CONVERT" they merge automatically to one DVD!! Ver 7 does NOT do this. It creates seperate DVD's if I ADD from different directories-drives. RD
Oh,if you can ,that's enigmatical. I really can't do like you said.Could you please teach here? Could you catch pictures when you select the files? I will be thank you very much.
@dolphin2 I don't know how to post 26 mb of WINAVI screen dumps here I do not have a website, so do not have an option to insert a picture in the TEXT reply window. Please let me know how I can do this ..
Why 26 MB of pictures? All you need is one small picture to show what you mean. Use imageshack to host your picture then link to it here. The directions are at the top of the reply box.
@June_0606 Please send email and I will send pics of WINAVI Ta RD @Dolphin2 I tried a few of the recommended image storage sites on the Imageshack generic portal that you recommended to me, and the couple I tried were either unusable, too slow, too many restrictions, too many rules too much advertising and alltogether just too much trouble to be honest. I just don't have the patience to waste time with borderline user unfriendly image sites who only want to use and target the people who sign up as advertising fodder. If anyone can recommend a good reliable image site from personal experience, then it might be a proposition. RD
Did you go here? http://www.uploadfile.info/ This is imageshack. It's fast, realiable and easy to use. The picture in my signature is hosted there as well as many of the people that post on aD.
No, I tried http://www.imageshack.com/ Ta, I have just looked at http://www.uploadfile.info/index.php- looks good .. Whats the file number limit ? rd