Hey everyone. I have been researching but haven't found a complete way of understanding how the sata port thing works with my hard drive? Do i need to buy a sata cord (almost positive I do just want to make sure?) I currently have my Western Digital 1TB WD My Passport Essential SE USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive - Midnight Black out of its enclosure. I have a windows vista emachines desktop computer to hook the hard drive up to. I have also noticed that I can plug it into my laptop now without it freezing my laptop but I still can't do anything with it. It says it is a RAW type and I've tried a few programs I found online (such as EASEUS) to see if that would do anything but from what I understand those are only for getting the data off the hard drive correct? In that case I am more than positive everything is erased off it. So thats the update so far everyone. I appreciate all the help you all have giving me.
if your desktop has spare sata port plus sata cable & power connector then can connect drive to motherboard without buying sata card. done it a few times with no problem.
I don't think it has the cable. If it did would this be in the package the computer came with? Might be a dumb question but I honestly have no idea when it comes to such things. How would I tell? And I take it I open it up? (the desktop that is)
chances are it does.. all this chaos because the driv was disconnected while mounted.. now with linux you see.. hdparm -W /dev/sda(1-2-3-4)
You are correct ps355528. It was actually in the middle of a transfer but I clicked cancel and even though the window exited and disappeared I don't think the hard drive fully cancelled. If you get what I mean. So then I tried to reformat it and it won't but it did manage to delete everything on it. Do I just need to throw it away? I know a computer guy in my town but if I could fix it myself that is what I was going to do. I keep hearing the sata port method which I'm willing to try but i have to find a sata cable since I don't think I have one with the desktop we have. Also would sata ports be right on the outside of the modem or inside the modem?