no luck with switching out the RAM... Ultra PC4200 1gig 533mhz. i should still be getting a beep after post... why no beep?
ok, so this is what i'm going to do next. i'm copying a partition with XP boot files and such from other desktop. i'm going to then swap the Maxtor back into the failing computer and hopefully it boots from there. if it does not boot, the only parts left i have not changed are the CD/DVD combo drive (which works) and the Processor which i have a spare of at my other home. I'm so confused, but what the hell. here it goes-
Have you installed many motherboards? Did you put the spacers in between the computer case and the motherboard to be sure the board isn't touching the case and shorting out?
i've installed 4 mobos. the spacers are in and the mobo is not touching the case- i'm currently copying 1 hd to another. i had an idea to upload a video and pics on youtube of my problem so i'm going to start on that-
if anyone needs me to zoom in on a particular area just let me know and i will get you a closer look. i think the motherboard is in order so i'm clueless right now.
sorry, i was retarded for a minute- i've checked and double checked the motherboard jumpers and plugs (hdd light, pw switch etc.) it's al in place and coincides with manual as well. i'm working on the video. again the problem is when i turn the computer on and it resets instantly after i select a boot method.
I just had a friend come to me with the exact same symptoms as seen in your video. Like you his comp had been shut down improperly (power outage) and would cycle thru an attempted bootup/shutdown. He had tried his recover disk with no luck so he had just purchased a new PC because he couldn't do anything with his old one and he wanted some data off the hard drive so I took it out and installed it into a different PC as a second HD so I could copy his data for him. While it was installed there, I ran a scan disk on the HD and copied his files to a flash drive. When I was finished I reinstalled his HD into the original PC and turned it back on to try format the drive. Just for kicks, I tried to boot one last time before I tried the format and much to my surprise it loaded just fine. I'm guessing that there were some corrupted drivers due to the improper shutdown and the scan disk fixed the problem. Maybe you could try the same thing and install this HD into a second PC as a slave and run a scan disk on it. Hope this helps!
well, the funny thing is that i tried with a blank hard drive and it wont even install XP Pro SP2 on the blank hdd. i did run checkdisk and scandisk on the affected hdd but with no luck... i'm currently filling the HDD with 0s which is taking a painfully long time. but thank you for your advice, i will try that again if the 0's dont clear up the problem.
gentlemen, my struggle is at end. the solution was to set all hard drive data to 0. fortunately for me, the hard drive i ordered came with a complimentary software that allowed me to write the hard drive to 0. after writing the hdd to 0, all variables are fully reset and the system performs as new. the process of clearing the hard drive did take an astonishing 7 hours!!! but, the computer is fixed and my troubles are over. thank you for all your help, it was greatly appreciated, i look forward to furthering our knowledge of computer administration. i'm going to get some sleep now 12:48am Thursday Jan 10, 08 SOLUTION= Wipe hard disk drive to 0 and begin anew with the Windows XP installation