XbOxOwNeR, well ur fudged, unless u get a live chip, i bought halo 2 original and if i turn my chip off. xbox live werks with no banning, but i hear the xbconnect is just as good as live xept u gotat run to ur com to change servers and junk
i use xbconnect sometimes its slow and sometimes its great and sometimes you cant connnect but it sure beats not being able to play online at all
For one, WTF were you thinking calling Microsoft and asking them if you can play LIVE with a mod chip? Are you insane? Secondly, people that work at Microsoft can't exactly "unban" you. It's the server that detects the mod chip. lmao
haha... if ur banned on xbox live just use xbconnect its exactly the same and its free and u can say fu*k lmao. u can also play copied games on xbconnect xbconnect is awsome as hell!!
aiite just go to their web site ( i think?) and there is step by step instuctions just make sure u have a router for your broadband connection and hook up ur xbox to your router its basically a program that you download that hooks you up to other peoples xboxes as if you were doing a system link may sound confusing when i say it but it isnt ull see its so much fun and u can use a communicator its soo much fun when you do get the program . Pm me my sn is 12ick2000 obviously. see ya there! peace - Rick