yes if u play in match making with them because their still considered as modded maps im lvl 30 legit got banned before i started modding
So, I want to get a softmodded xbox, but don't know if I'm going to be able to get on on xbox live. And if you can, how?????? Plz help, well I have seen tutorials, but, if you know where i can get real working tutorial to install evox using action replay, plz tell me. I have xbox live have original ms dashboard have not done anything, just want to make sure i will be able to play on xbox live. Can you help me out SIBOT666 plz.
i can help u.... ok go here and search for Softmod Installer Deluxe once that is downloaded open it up and find the file for which ever game you are using (Mechassault, Splinter Cell, or James Bond AUF) put the file in Action Replay and drag it to your memory card, next start up your xbox without a game in it and go to memory and then your memory card, click on the save and copy it to your harddrive, once it is there restart your xbox and put the game that you picked in the xbox, load it up and go to campain and find Run Linux and click it and you will be directed to a blue screen, first make a backup of the Mod and Ms when both of those are done hit Install Softmod when that is done hit which ever dash you want(Evox or UnleashX) then reboot your xbox and the dashboard that you picked should be there... Now to get back on xbox live you have to start up your xbox with the disc tray open, then the same blue screen will be there and you want to hit Restore MS and then reboot your xbox and your MS dash will be there, now go to Settings, Network Settings and for IP hit Automatic and for DNS hit Automatic, then you can get back onto XBOX Live... to get your softmod back on just repeat this
ok iv got the same problem help did exept iv not bin able to get on line since the 20 nov and to day is the 23 and i still cant get on iv uninstalled my mod like 5 times and reinstalled it like 4 times and iv turned it on and off and reset my ip and dns to auto and it still says start troubleshooter i go to start troudleshooter and it says No DNS address were received from the DHCP or PPPoE server. can someone help me pleace
iv got the same problem help did i did every thing u people said to do but it is still not working on live it hasent ben working from the 20 nov and it is the 24 and it is still not working someone please help
dude wht i found out was i hd mde a new intternet connectio tht required me to give a user and password before i was able to log on to the internet (ppoe settings). so all i hd to do is ut those settings on my xbox frm network settings .
Hey, saved12 thanks man appriciate it a whole lot man. I'll try it out,and im going to go buy an action replay device and test it out, do you think that the new xbox edition or whatever thing they did to the xbox for 24 hours will affect or ban me from xbox live if i mod it?????? Thanks can i get your email for any further questions. My gamertag on xbox live is MiDori S0ulja ^ Its a Zero Well im not going to be on xbox live for about a month because somethings happened. But after a month i'll be on around november 22 or so. SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST PLZ ON HALO2 Plz TO HELp me out and just be pals thanks again man O yea whats your gamertag? My email is