actuall they way i tried didnt work, then i tried thrwew http...both ways aid couldnt find bios update..halted, so now i dunno whut to do ok i switched it to bank 2 , turned flash off, the i HTTP the flash and i got yellow bar, said it was updated, but now i switch back to bank 1 and i get power cycle 3 times, an christmas lights, but if i swtich bank 2, i get blue screen with same options lol, dude, im so guessin at this shit lol, i HTTP a new BIOS.BIN file, and it workin, it flashed with a diff bin. then i unlocked a modded hd an slapped it in the box, and it booted right to the dash, so my question now is, how do i get eeprom off the board so i can take the chip out and make a new hd for it??
Auto.Installer.Deluxe.v3.10.Xbox-Hq package file that i got, and had bunch of 256 and 512 and bunch of other bios bins in there
i checked almost every file, nothing bout hacked but i seem to have most of em anyways lol, i got alot from there so iwould have just incase u know
what u mean evox, one , i have slayers, tried to creat disc, but when it went to verify burning, had all kinds of errors, im not sure what i am doin at this point, i have a crap load of files i got from xbins, auto installer, package with all kindsof crap in in, slayers final, an bunch others and not sure what to do with them if i have whit i need to sue
im so new to the mod chip, lost at the moment but gettin there. ok got chip in it, got the bios flashed while in bank 2,d0 pin i had to double check, decided to pop outta place on me, then i unlocked a modded hd from another box and slapped that in with chip on in bank 1 an booted right up, then installed config magic and load that, an reterived eeprom of board, made new hd works great, took the chip out no need for it since i made the new drive.,, works flawlessly now, thanks a bunch